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Health and Fitness                               How to Promote Your Company Using Integrated Media
                                                                                    By Jack M. Berkman

                                                           In the following months, I will be sharing with you a
          As we reach the point in the New Year where at least a third   variety of PR/Marketing Communications techniques to
          of people who made New Year's resolution call it quits and   assist you with better positioning your product, service
          the rest are left wondering how many more calories they can   or Brand. I am very proud to join the team at San Diego
          cut out of their diets or burn at the gym in order to reach their   Woman Magazine who is consistently dedicated to
          goals, it’s a good time to sit back and reflect on why the resolu-  bringing its readers the very highest valued content.
          tion effort ended so soon or what else can be done to assist
          with the resolution without burning the candle at both ends. In   With the shrinking of traditional media and constant
          fact there are many untapped options left on the table:   evolution of digital communications channels, the
                                                           overall communications environment is quickly taking a
          Sleep: Are you getting enough of it? Getting 7-8 hours of sleep   more integrated and direct approach towards reaching
          is essential to obtain long-term weight loss and avoid adrenal   and influencing the consumer. Of course, this consistently includes using social
          fatigue, amongst other things. There are numerous research   media tools like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, just to name a few, to create direct
          studies confirming that consistent lack of sleep will keep the   viral buzz among target audiences; leveraging video sharing platforms, such as
          pounds on you along with increased risk for various health   YouTube, to add personality and creativity to a story or your special announce-
          problems. Lack of sleep increases appetite for sweets due to   ment.
          lack of energy, as well as, increased caffeine or energy drink   Using these powerful platforms adds endorsements, credibility to a company, prod-
          consumption, finally leading you to search for quicker more   uct or brand. Relying exclusively on traditional TV, radio or print media to reach
          convenient food choices that are not as good for you. It’s a   and influence target audiences, has somewhat diminished and become almost
          vicious cycle that eventually takes a toll on health and waist-  secondary in today’s “wild west” communications landscape. However, the good
          line.                                            news is this slew of new tools that can be used to effectively reach and engage
                                                           with your target audiences, thanks to the plethora of communications technologies
          Stress, Emotions and Hormone Imbalance: Just about   and approaches.
          everyone can admit that they experience stress in one form or
          another on a daily basis. We are always on the run, trying to   But how can you best use all of the new technology tools available to be effective
          push ourselves to be more efficient, effective, get more done in   and cut through the massive information clutter, to present your messages with the
          less time etc. In fact stress, is dubbed as a disease of the 21st   “trust” they so vitally need to have for today’s fickle consumers.  Below are a few
          century. A common side effect of being under stress is weight   tips:
          gain thus creating a strategy to reduce or manage stress can
          significantly improve success in attaining your fitness goals.   1. Develop and Communicate Key Messages. Every organization, business,
          Along with stress emotional trauma from the past, or present,   product or Brand has distinctive messages that clearly position them from their
          can contribute to undesirable hormonal responses that halt   competition. Develop Five (5) keep them short and precise and they become your
          your progress.                                   “elevator pitch”.

          Toxic overload: This item is often overlooked. Once the body   2. Staying consistent with your key messages is extremely important. Inconsis-
          is overburdened with toxins from chemicals found in food,   tency can create confusion and prohibit you from maintaining a clear and concise
          cosmetics, medications and environment it becomes nearly   Brand identity, all accruing to your “trust in the marketplace”.  San Diego
          impossible to lose weight. Although, it may not always be                                                      Woman
          detected through blood tests, however once your liver (major   3. Create a Conversation. Consumers are bombarded with new information every
          detoxification organ) is overloaded, it is common to acquire a   day. In order to hold their attention you must give them something new. Simply
          condition such as Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver. This is a condition   pushing information about your business will only reach those looking for it. To
          where your liver, instead of burning fat stores it.  Side effects of   create new opportunities, you must network with others, creating a conversation
          medications could potentially cause weight gain or inability to   interesting enough to attract new followers. Keep it compelling and fresh.  27
          lose weight, in which case contacting your doctor and figuring
          out a solution is advisable.                     4. Stay active. In order for these new technologies to work in your favor, you must
                                                           stay active. One advantage of these new platforms is that they are linkable. You
          Diet: Eating less and exercising more has a success rate of   can link your personal Twitter and Facebook; Facebook and YouTube; YouTube
          about 8%. Understanding that Laws of Thermodynamics can-  and Blogs, etc. By staying active on all of these networks and keeping all social
          not be applied to the human body is essential in this case. A   networks connected to one another you offer the consumer different outlets to
          person only uses approximately 20% of calories eaten toward   receive your valuable information. Don’t go dormant.
          kinetic energy (movement) the rest is used for vision, respira-
          tion, digestion and repair, thus if you are attempting eat less   5. Listen to your audiences. Understand what your target audiences are interested
          and move more it will eventually take a toll on your health. It is   in talking about before joining the conversation. This will ensure that your interac-
          important to recognize that all calories are not created equal,   tions with them are meaningful and will make an impact on the actions they then
          so figuring out ideal macronutrient ratio for YOU is highly   take when armed with the information you are offering.
          A nutrition program that is not right for you can cause unnec-  6. Don’t ignore these evolutionary processes. To be successful today in effec-
          essary weight gain or rebound by imposing stress, hormone   tively communicating your messages, you must understand and embrace these
          imbalance, and damaging your metabolism.         advancements. Stay in the conversation and remain relevant and valued.

          Movement: Lack of movement is equally as bad as lack of re-  7. Staying in close touch with today’s rapidly changing consumer marketplaces,
          covery. Adhering to the quality over quantity principle is always   are essential today. These technologies, if used correctly, can be very powerful in
          the right choice and spares you from set backs due to injuries.   connecting with your target audiences, influencing them in a meaningful way, all
          If you haven’t been actively exercising walking or other light   creating a quality following beneficial to your Brand acceptance and prosperity.
          aerobic activity is a great start. However if you are a fitness
          fanatic proper periodization is a key to staying off the injury    Next month I will explore the immense value of quality networking. Today, in order
          track and maximizing results.                    to create a Brand with trust and confidence, interpersonal connectivity is essential.
                                                           It adds a layer of confidence and high value to your message. If you are effective
           For any additional information or resources regarding   in presenting your Brand, never dismiss the incredible value of networking. Without
                 presented information please contact:     it, you are doomed for failure.
                            Jack M. Berkman is President and CEO of BERKMAN Strategic Communications with nearly 40 years of practicing in
                                                            San Diego. He is an accredited member of the Public Relations Society of America and holds the proud and highly coveted
                                                             distinction of being inducted as a Fellow in the Public Relations Society of America in 2011. Berkman has represented
                                                            many of the most prominent organizations in the Western USA as well as serving on more than 25 major boards and asso-
                                                            ciations. He is currently the Communications Chair of the Exploratory 2024 Committee seeking the Olympic bid. His hobby
                                                                    is Auctioneering and has raised over 2Million for charities here during the past 25 years.
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