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       By Jeani Zuber                                                                        Photo Credit: Jeani Zuber
       McAlister Institute is a non-profit organization with multiple Regional   children while the mother is in recovery. Teen Outpatient Treatment
       Recovery Centers. It specializes in the compassionate care and   Programs, including detox programs, which are very unique. The
       treatment of individuals and families suffering from drug and/or   McAlister Institute is the only facility in the State of California that of-
       alcohol addiction. I arrived at the corporate office of the McAlister   fers detox treatment to adolescents. In addition there is Adolescent
       Institute with great anticipation. I was very excited to meet and talk   Residential Housing Programs as well as programs for pregnant
       to a person who, at age 24, was addicted to alcohol and who has   women, ex-offenders, homeless men, and individuals dealing with
       been sober for the past 57 years. She is a well- known pioneer in   their co-occurring past as well as their current addictions. I asked
       the field of recovery. I was greeted by a petite, energetic, down to   her from her years of experience in this field what helps people the
       earth and stylishly dressed woman. She warmly invited me into her   most. Jeanne believes, “One thing all agencies have in common
       office. The first thing she said was “I’ve been sober for 57 years and   is that we only have a short period of time to help someone. So
       I know what it takes to stay sober and I want to touch other people’s   McAlister Institute’s whole thrust is to get a person hooked-up with
       lives.”                                               a lifetime support system. We are very particular about a person’s
       Founded in 1977 by Jeanne McAlister, the McAlister Institute has   after care. In recovery you have to find the support system that
       earned recognition as one of San Diego County’s leading resources   helps a person stay clean because alcohol and drugs are very in-
       for helping people restore their lives and return to a more produc-  sidious diseases. These addictions will come back around to haunt
                                                             you when a thought comes back into your mind to take a drink or do
 28    tive and meaningful way of life. Jeanne McAlister remembers her   drugs. You have to be on your guard the rest of your life.”
       drinking days well, waking up after a black out and not knowing
       where she had been the night before. Deep depression consumed    Jeanne McAlister (in 2010) was the first Alcohol and Other Drug
       her. Many times she had a recurring dream feeling like she was in   (AOD) specialist to be named Mental Health Person of the Year for
       a tunnel with an opening at the top, but it kept getting smaller and   championing programs that address co-occurring disorders and
       smaller. Jeanne would wake up screaming, recalling how she felt   integrate substance abuse and mental health treatment. I asked her
       during this nightmare, trapped and not able to get out of the tunnel.   about receiving this award. Her response was, “What an honor it
       She was afraid she was losing her mind and knew she had gone   was personally as well as an honor to my field. It was the first time
       over to the dark side of life. These occurrences brought her to a crit-  in 25 years that someone was recognized representing Alcohol and
       ical point: She had to make a decision to quit drinking and get her   Other Drugs. Today people’s drug and alcohol use is much more
       life back. She met a friend who introduced her to a recovery pro-  complex. Our programs integrate the mental health aspect. Part of
       gram where she had a new beginning. Jeanne states, “I overcame   recovery is learning to forgive yourself. “
       alcohol when it wasn’t really popular for women to actually admit   Jeanne gives her phone number to everyone and you can call
       they were alcoholics.” Not only was she a female, but she was the   her on her cell phone anytime. This lady is truly exceptional! She
       youngest out of only three women who were attending the recovery   received a text message while being interviewed. She read it to me,
       meeting. The rest were all men. On one occasion while she was in   “My daughter overdosed and was revived; her friend was not so
       one of the recovery meetings, a man pointed his finger at her and   fortunate. Finding your cell phone number, she called you at seven
       told her to go back out in the world and drink, since he had drank   a.m. on a Sunday morning and you answered. You graciously
       longer than she was old; she was 24 at that time. That kind of ridi-  asked her to call back on Monday that you would find a bed for her.
       cule was only one of many hurdles Jeanne had to overcome. She   She came to your program for several months and completed it.
       says, “I was so down and wanted so desperately to get out of the   Next Thursday she celebrates her one year anniversary.” This text
       way I was living. I fought and stayed in recovery. I recognized I was   message deeply touched Jeanne. This is what she lives for, to help
       in some kind of trouble. I didn’t know what it was but I knew my life   others regain their lives.
       and my way of thinking were messed up. Actually, it was horrible.”   Jeanne’s granddaughter, Marisa Varond, works with McAlister In-
       Jeanne states, “There is still a stigma about alcohol as well as   stitute as their Director of Development. Marisa coordinates events
       drugs; no one wants to talk about it. People rally behind curing   for the Institute as well as other outreach programs. An upcoming
       cancer and cancer awareness as well as other diseases, but our   annual event Walk for Sobriety is scheduled for June 21, 2014.
       disease kills just as many people. It affects just as many people   Further details can be accessed at Walk for Marisa
       if not more and yet no one ever mentions us until some famous   also has utilized YouTube as a resource for McAlister Institute to
       person dies of an overdose of drugs and alcohol.”     educate and reach out to people seeking information about drug
       The McAlister Institute (over the years) has developed and offers   and alcohol addiction. As this attractive and charming young woman
       25 programs that represent a complete continuum of care for the   spoke with great admiration about her grandmother, she made a
       prevention and treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction. These   comment, “She will love you until you love yourself.”
       programs have been tailored to meet the needs of individuals, fami-  You can reach McAlister Institute at to locate
       lies, and communities that have been affected by substance abuse.   a Regional Recovery Center near you or call their corporate office
       They include Adult Outpatient and Adult Residential Programs; one   at (619)442-0277.
       of the first in the nation to provide housing for women and their
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