Page 12 - Susan Taylor
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By Judith A. Habert
                                                                                     Photographs by Lisa K Miller

                                                             experts in this procedure.  The focus of Dr. LeiLani’s Better Health and Well-
                                                             ness Center is “Beauty from the inside out.”

                                                             With her prosperous Health and Wellness practice and a growing family, Dr.
                                                             Vidal soon felt the urge to get back to her music.  “This actually happened
                                                             because my children were all getting seriously into music and I started to
                                                             have a desire to share my love of music with them.  I wanted to be able to
                                                             jam with all of them.” Ironically, all three of her children were very involved
                                                             in music, and they were all becoming very accomplished musicians. Her
                                                             daughter Alexa, 18, plays classical and jazz piano; son Dominic, 16, plays
                                                             the saxophone and bass, and her youngest Gino, 14, plays the trumpet,
                                                             bass and the piano.  Dr. Vidal adds, “Watching them get more and more
                                                             into their music was exciting for me, and I decided to pick up my saxophone
                                                             again and get back to my childhood passion.  What I soon found out was
                                                             how frustrating it was, because I was not as good as I had been as a child.
                                                             The years away from my music had diminished my skill, and I knew if I was
                                                             going to get back into playing the sax I would have to take lessons to get
                                                             back up to speed.”  It didn’t take long for Dr. Vidal’s skills to come back and
                                                             she found that being able to share music with her children brought them so
                                                             much closer together.

                                                             It wasn’t until Dr. Vidal attended a conference called the “Warren Hill Sax
                                                             Summit” that she realized how rare she was.  “I was the only woman in
                                                             attendance at the conference.  It was one of the speakers who caught my
                                                             attention when he said that you didn’t have to be the best sax player, but
                                                             the key to success is setting yourself apart from others, being different.  I
                                                             realized then that I wanted to create a female sax quartet.” Although, this
                                                             seemed like a great idea, Dr. Vidal realized the biggest challenge was going
     I am often amazed at the many talented women around me.  Just when you   to be finding three other female saxophone players.  Finally she found one,
     think you know someone, which I must admit, is often based on physical   who then led her to another, and before she knew it she had created her
     appearance and attitude, do you realize that what you see is only a minute   dream.  An all-female saxophone quartet named “The Saxations.”
     part of who they really are.   Dr. LeiLani Vidal is a prime example of this.
     By day she is a Doctor of Chiropractic and the founder of the Better Health
     and Wellness Center. At night she trades her white coat for an edgy outfit   What started out as a fun idea for Dr. Vidal soon turned into one of the hot-
     and a sleek saxophone and becomes a member of the beautiful all-female   test new groups in San Diego.  The Saxations, which consists of four beauti-
     Saxophone quartet known as the Saxations.               ful and talented women LeiLani Vidal, Allison Boles, Kyrie Lombard and
                                                             Michelle Maynard. Their slogan, which says it all is “The Saxations, defining
     Dr. Vidal was born and raised in Poway where she attended Poway High   hot sax” The combination of beauty and talent on stage has produced stand-
     School, and is today still a Poway resident. Growing up in a musical family,   ing room only audiences at their recent performances.
     she started performing with her parent’s band, Cam Vidal and the Blue
     Notes, at the age of 11.  A popular band at the time, they performed at wed-
     dings, corporate functions and concerts throughout San Diego.  By the time   Dr. Vidal, accustomed to excellence in everything she does, decided to
     she reached college age she decided she’d had enough music and would   approach her new band as she did her primary business.  “I decided to go
     instead pursue a career as a chiropractor.  Content with a break from music,   out and get the best professionals to work with our band.  So even though
     Dr. Vidal attended Southern California College of Chiropractic in Los Ange-  there are only four of us on stage performing, there are a lot of profession-
     les, CA.  It was only out of financial necessity that Dr. Vidal found herself   als behind the scene, helping to make us the best we can be. We added
     playing at some local events to help with her tuition and expenses.    a musical director, Gerard Nolan, who was also my sax coach.  Gerard
                                                             was very instrumental in hand picking our rhythm section with some of the
                                                             best San Diego has to offer."  Dr. Vidal also found the best arrangers in
     After earning a Bachelor’s degree in Human Biology and, a Doctorate in   the business to make The saxation's custom arrangements, such as Rick
     Chiropractic, Dr. Vidal moved back to San Diego in 1992 and opened her   Hirsch, musical arranger for Pennsylvania State University, and also well
     first Chiropractic practice, in Rancho Penasquitos. Five years later the   known smooth jazz musical arranger David Mann, who has composed many
     growth of her practice led her to find a new location in her hometown of   chart- topping smooth jazz hits and recorded with Rod Steward, Christo-
     Poway.  Branching out from her Chiropractic practice, Dr. Vidal decided that   pher Cross, Madonna as well as many others.  Dr. Vidal also joined forces
     she wanted to grow her business to include health and beauty.  She went   with a professional singer from Memphis, LaDon Jones, who performs with
     back to school to obtain training in Esthetics, and became an expert at lash   the girls regularly and also a professional photographer well known in San
     extensions.  Today her company "Glitz Now" teaches and certifies other   Diego, Lisa K. Miller, the magazine's photographer.
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