Page 43 - Education Issue
P. 43
your body and then have to hook seat belt. Now unless hunt and peck method using in awe of the stories we have
change your outfit again. you have an older car, your only one hand. seen over the years of those
So now it is time to get in shift is on the right of you so I challenge all of you out with permanent disabilities,
your car and drive to work. again the maneuver to take there to attempt going about those who are paraplegic or
Aha, another challenge. off the emergency brake your day using just one arm, were hurt in war or life and
Getting in the car is easy and shift the car in reverse and you will undoubtedly re- now have learned to cope in
enough. Use the good hand to back out of your garage alize how difficult everything such amazing ways. I recall
to put the key in the door and then again to put it into becomes. those who have learned to
and to open it. Get in and gear. Now, pray there is no Enough bitchin and paint or type with their feet.
put the key in the ignition. rain since those are on the moaning for one day, though Hell, I can’t even eat with my
Damn, that happens to be right side too. Radio and Air I have to say it took me twice left hand without coming
on the right side. So lean conditioner once again re- as long to write this, with out looking like a toddler.
over your body and your quire the across body move. one arm. I truly have gained Next time you see someone
sling to use your left hand to At last, you are on your way a renewed respect for any- with an obvious disability I
insert the key and start the to work. one with a limb disability. As hope you will think back to
ignition. Okay home free. This is where the kind I said earlier, we were given this little article and hold
Nope not so fast. Click it or of work you do becomes two arms and two legs for a that door open or offer to
ticket, so you need to put on extremely important. There very good reason of which carry a package to their car.
your seat belt. You can get are few jobs that you can do I am now greatly apprecia- I know once my surgery is
the seat belt easy enough, one-handed. Especially not tive. I am totally amazed by done and I am back, I will
but it has to go around the construction or waitressing. the obstacles that so many take more notice of those
right side of your body to Although even typing poses people have lived with and around me and lend a
be hooked in. Again reach its own challenges being you learned to overcome. All of much-needed hand, when-
across body and sling to have to go back to the old this experience has left me ever I can.