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Top Women in Real Estate

           After two weeks, Lucy knew she had to   graduated, she moved to Cairo, Egypt to   Lucy and family also owned the Chur-
        get back to work thinking of her children’s   work at a refugee legal aid center, where   chill Hotel in downtown until she made a
        future she had to take care of business, but   she assisted refugees in filing resettlement   deal with the housing commission and they
        for the first time, fearless Lucy was scared   applications. She was there for two years   closed it for a few years for remodeling and
        to death. She walked into her office at the   and is now back in San Diego working   then made it into a low-income housing
        Churchill Hotel they owned in downtown   at The International Rescue Committee   and medical treatment center for Veterans.
        San Diego and sat down at her desk and   (IRC) which is a global humanitarian aid,   Lucy is so happy that they did something
        cried. Then she looked up to the heavens   relief, and development nongovernmental   beautiful with that building.
        and silently asked Dean to please show her                                  Lucy currently owns real estate in Ha-
        the way. Lucy had been actively involved                                 waii, Oregon and in San Diego, primarily
        in the running of the business, but since                                on Fourth and Fifth Avenues. Most of the
        they worked together, each one had their                                 properties she owns now are commercial,
        responsibilities, now all elements of the                                and most of her tenants are restaurants
        business would be on her shoulders. "I                                   and bars, although she has developed some
        asked for Dean to guide me, to this day I                                beautiful loft-style apartments, with open
        talk to him daily, and then the realization                              concepts, which are above the businesses
        came to me. Lucy, you've got this, you’re                                in downtown. Lucy has blossomed into a
        not alone!” She continued to work with her                               seasoned commercial real estate and hospi-
        father-in-law, who was 81 years old at the                               tality professional. Over the past 20 years,
        time of his son’s passing and was still active                           she has gained experience ranging from
        in the family business. Lucy had great re-                               property management, leasing, financ-
        spect for her father-in-law, and she learned                             ing, and acquisition to development and
        a great deal from him.                                                   renovation.
           Lucy’s determination, confidence, and                                    As much as Lucy has worked hard at
        discipline have been crucial to maintain-                                developing the family business and creating
        ing the Burni legacy. She knew it was a                                  a name for herself, she also finds it just
        big responsibility to take on, but she never                             as important to give back to underserved
        doubted herself and knew there was a lot   organization. She works in the immigration   communities in San Diego and young
        to learn along the way. She had to deal with   department as a caseworker. My middle   aspiring entrepreneurs. She assists organi-
        property managers, contractors, and engi-  daughter, Jasmin, 23, also attended La Jolla   zations that align with her values of service
        neers to move all the projects forward. In   Country Day and is now a student at the   and justice.
        addition, there were tenants, permits and   University of San Diego. She is a business   I asked Lucy how you go about getting
        legal issues, and the day to day operation of   and real estate major. She has been working   into the Real Estate investing business. “It's
        all the real estate, and the two hotels they   with me part-time for the past two years.   always about your first investment, whether
        owned, the Hotel Churchill in San Diego   Next year when she graduates from college,   it is a home or a commercial property.
        and a Ramada Inn in Scottdale, Arizona.   she will be coming to work with me full-  When you invest in real estate, it appreci-
        Also, three months after her husband’s   time, and I am thrilled to have her in the   ates plus you start to build equity. You can
        passing, she and her father-in-law closed   family business and also to be able to take   also assemble a team of investors to make
        escrow on the Four Points by Sheraton Ho-  some time off once she is on board. My son   your first investment.”
        tel in Kearny Mesa, adding to her respon-  Abed, 15, is currently at Country Day and   Before I left Lucy, I had to ask her a
        sibilities. After her long days at work, her   will begin his sophomore year in August.   very important question. What advice
        priority was being there for her children,   He has not decided what career path he will   would she give to our readers, “I would say
        but the reality was that she also needed to   take yet. He has been a straight A student   that in any profession we need to educate
        keep the business afloat.           since second grade so I’m sure whatever he   ourselves and have confidence, determi-
           Today Lucy measures her success,   chooses, he will do great!”        nation, and discipline to achieve our goals.
        not by how many properties she owns or   Raising her children as a single mom   To women, I say we are all strong women
        the wealth attained, but by the success of   all these years has not been easy, but she   if we believe in ourselves and stay true and
        her children. “I am so proud of my three   has done a great job. She loves to see her   authentic to who we are. Sometimes when
        children. My oldest, Janan, is 25 and is   kids happy and healthy and doing what   we allow fear to get in front of us, we start
        fluent in English, Spanish, and Arabic.   they love with their lives.    questioning ourselves. That's why fear does
        She went to La Jolla Country Day and    Lucy currently works out of her office at   not exist in my vocabulary. Be fearless.”
        graduated with honors and then went on   the Four Points Sheraton in Kearney Mesa,
        to Occidental College and received a B.A.   "A beautiful 225 room hotel with 23,000   To learn more about Lucy or to book
        in Diplomacy and World Affairs. While at   square feet of meeting space. We often host   an event or stay at her hotel, contact her at:
        school, she had internships and attended   events from 20-900 guests.” The Four Points   •
        language programs in the Middle East in   Sheraton is a brand of Marriott Corporation,   •  Burni Entreprises (619) 696-3797
        her junior and senior years, and when she   of which Lucy is very honored to be a part.  •  LinkedIn: Lucy Burni

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