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Bettina Hanna Captures

                                             Refugee Plight in San Diego

                                             THROUGH DOCUMENTARY FILM

                                                                       By Jeanne Rawdin

                           ETTINA HANNA HAS A         lack and Paula Sassi -- who sup-   Pollack and Sassi hand out
                       Bpassion for exploring issues   ply food, water, toiletries and   bags to last for several days of
                       that are often controversial. It’s   support to the refugees when   travel, and then send them on
                       what fuels her fervor for docu-  they are dropped off. They’re   their way with bus tickets for
                       mentary filmmaking. Her latest   let out from the backs of trucks   destinations across the country.
                       project, The Bus Station, depicts   after days of travel. Many have   Filmmaker Hanna hopes that
                       the plight of refugees caught   no idea where they are when    by showing the good Samari-
                       in a chaotic web of immigra-   they get here. Several are young   tans who help these refugees,
                       tion law and politics, as they’re   families who are scared and   she can raise awareness about
                       dropped off in downtown        penniless. They wear ankle      border issues and shed light on
                       San Diego and left to fend for   bracelets to track their where-  the ongoing struggle of refugees
                       themselves. As a native of Brazil   abouts which will ostensibly be   seeking a better life. “To see the
                       and the child of an immigrant   removed when they reach their   acts of love and compassion
                       herself, she can relate to their   destination – which is the home  that these two women are prac-
                       plight. Bettina is also trying to   of some relative somewhere in   ticing melts my heart. It makes
                       get a green card to remain in   the U.S.                       me believe that we still have
                       the U.S.                           When asked why they took    hope in humanity.”
                           Hanna, 40, was born in Sao   the journey to the US, the refu-  The editing of the Bus
                       Paulo and came to this country   gees say, “to have a better life.”   Station was finished in June.
                       in 2009 to study journalism.   One man explains, “There are    Hanna plans on submitting the
                       The plan was that she and her   few jobs, and we don't get paid   film to several festivals across
                       husband, Brian (a tennis pro   much. There's a lot of poverty,   the globe. To see an excerpt
                       and coach), would stay only a   and that's why we have to mi-  from The Bus Station and more
                       year, but they both fell in love   grate to the United States.”  of Bettina’s work, go to vimeo.
                       with San Diego. “I’m not a         Sassi recalls in the docu-  com/bettinahanna.
                       refugee, but just like them, I’m   mentary how one man asked to
                       seeking to live in this country to  use her cell phone in Spanish.
                       have a better life. I come from   “He handed me this tiny little
                       a very rich country in terms of   piece of paper,” she said. “They
                       natural resources, but we live in   don’t even have paper to write
                       a constant battle with poverty,   on. And it had a number on
                       violence, and social inequality. I   it, so I dialed it for him, and
                       believe life is about the choices   he talked to his family. They
                       you make, and if you look at it   don't know how to get where
                       this way, I am the same thing as   they're going, they don't have
                       a refugee. I decided to docu-  any supplies, and most of
                       ment the story at the bus station  the time, they don't have any
                       because their struggles are real.”   money either. A few times, I've
                           The Bus Station profiles two  reached in and given a twenty
                       female volunteers – Mimi Pol-  to people."
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