Page 36 - Sandy Jackman Pantai Hotel
P. 36


                                                                                          Story & Photos By Jeani Zuber

                                                                                          or chipboard book or project
                                                                                          would look. Would you believe
                                                                                          all of her inventory is reason-
                                                                                          ably priced? It’s true.  I should
                                                                                          know as an avid scrapbooking,
                                                                                          mixed media, customer who has
                                                                                          frequently shopped every store
                                                                                          from Orange County to Arizona.
                                                                                          The excitement also comes
                                                                                          when you browse the remark-
                                                                                          able décor along with the inven-
                                                                                          tory.   Watch out for unusual
                                                                                          items from a previous era such
                                                                                          as a rusty old chicken feeder
                                                                                          now used to dispense ribbon,
                                                                                          or an old lamp frame that has
                                                                                          been repurposed by adding
                                                                                          old metal time clock plates that
                                                                                          years ago held punch cards (to
                                                                                          clock in and out for your work)
                                                                                          is now being used to hold fam-
                                                                                          ily pictures. Included in these
                                                                                          curious eye catching pieces is a
                                                                                          coffee table in front of the sofa
                                                                                          that was once an architect’s
 36    While in town having lunch with a close friend we accidently discov-               table and the drawers once held
       ered the most inspiring scrapbooking, mixed media, jewelry, and   plans and blueprints of people’s homes and buildings. Yes, even old
       card store in Escondido. Cheryl Ciuffreda is the owner, a brilliant   wire bed springs attached to a wall with artfully made cards stuck
       and talented lady who has combined her love of paper, pictures and   between the springs. Obviously this is not your ordinary craft store.
       memory art into an unrivaled showplace, “The Making Place”. The   Classes, classes and more classes taught for adults and children
       moment you walk through the                            by well-known people in the industry such as Michael Strong who
       door of this girly industrial chic                                      is himself a stamp designer and teaches
       establishment you are capti-                                            techniques using stamps to make cards. Kelly
       vated by a visual experience                                            Kilmer, who was featured in “Art Journaling
       abounding with creativity.                                              Magazine” and specializes in teaching art
       Cheryl wanted a business that                                           journaling. Jamie Dougherty being a mixed
       was fun. She has coupled her                                            media artist demonstrates how to decorate
       decorating abilities with her                                           framed canvas. Suzy West shows you how to
       own personal items to fashion                                           make custom designed banners. In addition
       a unique mixture of home and                                            are their  popular jewelry classes, learning how
       an eclectic art studio.  Her                                            to solder, chipboard themed projects such as
       store inventory includes Tim                                            “Disney Express” as well as their outstanding
       Holtz signature lines of dis-                                           mixed media scrapbooking pages and proj-
       tressing inks, embellishments,                                          ects. Complete listing of all classes on FB@
       paints, and fabric. Addition-                                           The Making Place Escondido.
       ally there is an extraordinary                                          Making memories and creating art to wear or
       choice of stock items which                                             enjoy is fun and brings much delight into our
       include two-sided papers                                                busy lifestyles as well as lifting our spirits to
       (which have become difficult                                            new heights of enjoyment. Expressing our cre-
       to locate), a wide variety of                                           ative side produces much needed gratification
       stamps, glitter (including very                                         as well as self-satisfaction.
       fine glitter), zippers, chipboard                                       Stop by “The Making Place” located at 330 W.
       books, punch boards, flowers                                            Felicita Ave. Suite B-4, Escondido, Ca. 92027
       and tons of ribbon in various                                           Phone number is (760) 739-8605.
       colors and sizes.  She has                                              Also visit online:  Web-site- www.themaking-
       purposefully placed everything                                , FB@The Making Place Escondido,
       that matches together either                                            Twitter@Makingplaceesco,
       by color or theme which makes                                           Pinterest@The Making Place, themaking-
       it easier for the customer to                                 
       imagine how a beautiful page
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