Page 37 - Sandy Jackman Pantai Hotel
P. 37

Bitchin’ & Moaning

                                                                                 By Judith A. Habert

           Help I Can’t Make a Decision!                        and physicians.  I discovered that some of my favorites had horrible rat-
                                                                ings.  Oh no!  How could this be?  Was my taste so wrong?  Had I been
                                                                fooling myself all these years into believing that I was smart enough to
           Technology has affected so many different parts of our lives, but it was   make my own decisions?  Well, I investigated a little deeper and learned
           not until recently that I realized how far reaching it truly was.  It has   something I never knew, and wondered if others knew this?
           gotten to the point that we now find it very hard to make any decision   If you go to one of your favorites and look at their reviews there may
           without relying on our iPhones or iPads.             be 8 or 10 and maybe overall your favorite received only a 2.  How can
           It used to be that we would decide what restaurant we wanted to eat   that be, you may ask?  Well, go down to the bottom of the page and  in
           at based on recommendations from friends and relatives who had   a light gray text it will say something like “18 other reviews that are not
           previously tried these
           restaurants and raved
           about the food and
           service. What movie did
           we want to see?  Again,
           we would hear from
           our circle of friends and
           decide based on their
           reviews.  Which Doctor
           should we use? Well
           that was often decided
           by our parents.  Doc-
           tors would be passed
           on from one generation
           to another. I went to the
           family practitioner that
           took care of my mom
           and dad.  When did all
           of this change?
           In 2014, when my
           daughter and I are out                                                                                      San Diego
           and about in a part                                                                                           Woman
           of town that we are
           not familiar with, and
           we need to stop for a
           bite to eat, I will spot
           a cute little restaurant                                                                                   37
           and suggest that it
           might be a good place
           to try.  I cannot even
           get the full sentence
           out of my mouth when
           out comes the iPhone
           while she logs into Yelp
           and within 2.5 seconds
           decides if we should or
           should not eat there.  Her decision is often harsh.  If the rating is not at   currently recommended” If you click on that link you will find a lot more
           least 4 out of 5 and there aren’t at least 20 reviews  she steps on the   reviews which are not included in the vendor’s final rating.  In some
           gas and off we go searching for a place with a better rating.    cases, the non-recommended reviews may all be positive 5-star ratings,
           When we decide to get our hair or nails done again, the same procedure   yet since they were not included in the final ratings, your favorite only
           occurs.  Thinking I must be a dinosaur in the methods I use, I sit there   received a negative rating of 2.
           in silence and allow her to make these rash decisions based on other   So I had to query Yelp as to why this was.  The answer made me even
           people’s opinions.   I rationalize this in my mind by saying, okay this isn’t   sadder, “We use automated recommendation software to showcase the
           really any different than taking the opinion of my friends and family as to   most helpful and reliable reviews among the millions that are submitted
           which restaurant to eat in or what salon to use, or what doctor to trust,   to the site, but even some legitimate reviews don’t make the cut.
           only now I have a much larger circle of “friends” to share their opinions   We do not have the ability to manually showcase reviews that aren't
           with me.  Then some doubt starts to creep into my mind.  When I relied   recommended. Keep in mind, however, that the recommendation
           on my friends and family, at least I knew that we had similar tastes and   softwares (their typo not mine) applies the same objective standards
           values. I don’t know these strangers with names like Sally P or Peter T.    to every business and continually revisits each review to reevaluate its
           I suppose I am as guilty as everyone else since I (too) started doing the   determination.”
           iPhone search dance with just about every establishment that I thought   I feel so much better! At least now I know that the decisions on which
           about frequenting. A new restaurant, a nail salon, a dry cleaner, a hair   doctor, lawyer, restaurant or nail salon I pick are not determined by
           salon, a lawyer, a doctor….Oh wait!  I suddenly realize that I was start-  strangers I never met, instead these  choices have been placed in the
           ing to trust total strangers with some very important decisions.    qualified hands of automated software.  Oh how I love technology! I
           So I decided to do a bit more research.  Instead, of randomly looking up   think I will revert back to the olden days and next time I will give that
           a vendor on the fly with my iPhone, I opened Yelp on my computer and    cute little restaurant a try.
           went to some of my existing favorite restaurants, salons, nail places
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