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Beauty and Wellness Advice from the Experts

                                                                                         By Lisa Matar

      We all want to look our best. You don’t need to look far to find news of a   Aparna Ramadurai, Registered Dietitian and owner of VitaLife Nutrition has
      new diet trend loaded with unrealistic promises. The Health and Beauty   a long history of counseling people who have special dietary needs. She
      industry is a multi-billion industry in the United States and a lot of compa-  created the bariatric nutritional program and was the program director at
      nies are looking for a way into your pocket. Unfortunately, many of these   Ximed Center for Medical and Surgical Weight Management in Del Mar,
      companies do not have your health in mind and many of us go along with   California. There, she worked closely with the medical director of Bariatric
      the madness, abusing our bodies just to achieve the thin look we are des-  Surgery to prepare individuals for successful surgical weight loss. She also
      perately craving.                                       organized and facilitated monthly support group meetings to address con-
                                                              cerns and find solutions faced by patients. Amongst many other specialties,
      San Diego Woman Magazine recently sat down with two prominent San   she currently creates personalized and customizable weight management
      Diego Health and Beauty experts to bring some sense to the matter. How   plans for individuals who want to take the next step in managing their life-
      can we look our best without compromising our health?   styles better. She is a wellness counselor who utilizes diet, exercise, yoga,
                                                              meditation and nutrigenomics to help individuals create the healthy lifestyle
                                             We asked the                                    they are searching for.
                                             experts for some
                                             tips.                                           We asked Aparna, What is
                                                                                             your top nutritional advice for
                                             Chelsea McLean                                  women who want to make a
                                             Casey, is a Co-                                 commitment to enhance their
                                             Owner of Three                                  physique?
                                             Sister’s Wellness
                                             and Yoga Instruc-                               There are pitfalls women
                                             tor at Mosaic                                   fall into trying to lose a few
                                             Yoga in Mission                                 pounds. “Women tend to elimi-
                                             Hills. In addi-                                 nate carbs, which make up the
                                             tion, she is the                                building blocks of our cells and
                                             Model Liaison and                               are our first source of energy
                                             Modeling Advisor                                when we exercise. Grains are
                                             to Fashion Week                                 important sources of many
 42                                          San Diego.  Her                                 nutrients including dietary fiber
                                                                                             and several B vitamins. An
                                             background in
                                             modeling serves                                 important factor to remember
                                             to be insightful                                is to stay moderate with your
                                             for the models                                  carb intake and only choose
                                             she mentors. She                                whole grains that provide
                                             began modeling                                  multiple health benefits, includ-
                                             at the age of 14                                ing weight management and
                                             and her career                                  prevention of heart disease”.
                                             started in San                                  Curious to know what nutri-
                                             Diego then took                                tional strategies she gives her
                                             her to Los Angeles,   patients who are aiming on healthy weight loss and management?
                                             New York City and
                                             Milan, Italy.  Sadly,   She gives us 5 rules to live by.
                                             she discovered
      the industry is wrought with unhealthy dieting practices. “I have witnessed   Rule 1: Never "diet". Follow a healthy and balanced nutrition plan that
      and succumb to numerous eating disorders myself over the years. Starting   includes all the major food groups. Question any plan that has you doing
      my modeling career at such a young age led me into a world full of harsh   anything drastic and that promises "immediate results". Focus on making
      physical criticism and competition. Just imagine being told your hips are too   changes you can stick with for the rest of your life.
      curvy when you are just 14 years old! Consequently, during my teens and
      early 20s the urge to stay skinny far outweighed the desire to be healthy.   Rule 2: Eat on time. Do not wait until your hunger levels cause you to make
      Throughout my career I dabbled on and off in anorexia, bulimia, low-fat   bad food choices. Trying to eat at the same time every day helps eliminate
      diets, no-carb diets, veganism, raw food diets, diuretics, legal diet pills, il-  unnecessary snacking.
      legal drugs, existing on cigarettes and gum, etc. The competition is so fierce
      that the desire for young girls to be thin is all-consuming, leading many to   Rule 3: Avoid fast food. They contain too many harmful toxins your body
      unhealthy weight-loss shortcuts”. As a mentor to up-and-coming models   can do without. The levels of saturated fat, trans fat, sodium and refined
      who participate in Fashion Week San Diego, her mission is to give these   sugar in fast food causes serious harm to a healthy body. "Convenient",
      aspiring young women the tools they need to succeed. “Educating models   "cheap" and "fast" are not going to nourish you the same way as a meal
      on how to take care of their health and wellbeing is also important to me.   made with fresh, wholesome ingredients.
      I want our models to feel empowered, supported, confident and beauti-
      ful”. She feels strongly that people who shine from the inside manifests an   Rule 4: Drink lots of water. Stay away from carbonated beverages. Soda
      attractiveness that is undeniable. It is confidence that sparks an inner light   (including diet sodas) has been proven to strip the body of important vita-
      that is in all of us. This is the foundation of Chelsea’s philosophy behind   mins and minerals in addition to causing weight gain.
      modeling and looking your best. “Someone who shines from the inside out
      exudes an inner glow that makes the audience not want to take their eyes   Rule 5: Make 30-40 minutes of daily physical activity a part of your lifestyle.
      off them on the runway. That’s what makes a “model” in my opinion, and it’s   The physical and emotional benefits of exercise are profound and empower
      something that can’t be faked”. Next time you are walking through a room,   you to move in the right direction!
      remember this advice from a top modeling coach. Walk with confidence and
      wait for heads to turn.
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