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Art InstItute

                                                                                          By Maile Rudebusch
                                            A Local Hub for Art Education

       Lux Art Institute recently opened doors to their new education Pavilion.   “We worked with the educational team and with the Board to talk about
       The renovated space will allow for them to become a local art hub.   the kind of space they wanted,” says Sneed. “We wanted to make it
       Lux has a unique approach to art; they work to engage visitors in the   clean and gallery like, but still fun for the children.”
       process of creating art. With their Artist in Residency program they
       bring internationally recognized artists to do gallery shows where they   The Education Pavilion features four large classrooms, an artist work-
       not only present previous works of art, but also create a new piece - or   shop, a digital workshop and an outdoor garden area. The doors to
       in some cases a series of pieces - in the gallery. One of the largest   all the classrooms were created by Noe Design in Solana Beach, the
       parts of Lux’s mission is art education. The Kids-in-Residence program   gorgeous teak barn doors have chalkboards on the back to allow for the
       offers summer classes and camps where children can create thoughtful   classes to create their own chalk art on the back. The building comes
       art pieces. The Artist in Residency Program also allows for the artists to   together in a way that looks like art.
       work directly with the children, and now with the expansion adults will   “It’s always fun to collaborate with other designers and artists. We
       be able to work with the artists as well.               wanted barn doors that open everything up,” says Sneed.
                                                               “Todd Noe says that his masterpiece are these doors, when you look
       “We take the classic                                                                        down the hall and see
       museum model and                                                                             all the doors closed
       upend it. Instead                                                                            you can see why,” says
       of focusing on the                                                                           Reesey.
       permanent collec-
       tion we invite the                                                                           Lux is in the process of
       artist to come and                                                                           greatly expanding the
       do a project with us                                                                         class offering for the
       that takes usually                                                                           public. Adults have an
       about a month to                                                                             opportunity to take the
       six weeks. And then                                                                          Studio Series, which is
       after that the work                                                                          an interactive discus-
       that they do, which                                                                          sion where adults   San Diego  Woman
       is a commission                                                                              can sip wine and talk
       piece for us, that                                                                           with an artist from the
       piece stays as part                                                                          Artists in Residence
       of an exhibition of                                                                          program as well as the
       usually ten to twelve                                                                        curators. As the educa- 45
       works. That exhibi-                                                                          tion program continues
       tion shows us kind                                                                           to expand they will
       of a trajectory of                                                                           also offer classes. For
       their work, and you                                                                          those looking to do
       can see the piece                                                                            family activities Lux
       that they create with                                                                        offers Family Fridays
       us as kind of the                                                                            where families can tour
       period at the end of the sentence,” says Director Reesey Shaw.  “Then   the exhibit and take part in hands on kid’s projects.
       the gallery space will be turned over to the kid’s work that they made in   Sneed, a North County resident, is excited for the chance to take the
       the classroom.”                                         classes herself and thinks that it will provide a much needed art outlet
                                                               for the community.
       With the completion of the new Education Pavilion they will be able to   "For north county to have an art outlet with Lux's concept is incredible,
       offer a larger curriculum, including classes for adults and teens, which   I love everything about the mission and the function. I love that the kid
       they weren’t able to offer before. The 7,000 square foot building is a   programs don't just have them doing crafts, but participating in really
       work of art in itself, designed by Anne Sneed and featuring additions   thoughtful and artsy based projects."
       from other local artisans.
                                                               The museum quality lighting in the Education Pavilion will highlight the
       Architect Anne Sneed remodels and revamps old buildings. One of her   works of art created by the children. It will give them a chance to be
       most recognized projects in San Diego is the top floor of the Diamond   featured as an artist in a museum setting.
       View Towers, which re-sold last year as the most expensive sale in the   “The reason that our program is so successful and so extraordinary is
       area for the year. The developer of Diamond View Towers, Steve Black   that the kids were inspired by these world class international artists that
       was the one to bring Lux’s expansion project to Sneed’s attention.   just knock your socks off. All of us as adults and of course the kids get
                                                               to be inspired by these fabulous people,” says Reesey.
       “We take existing buildings and work to make them wonderful, with Lux
       we could have gone in it for function, but we made it beautiful,” says   For more information visit their site at
       Sneed. “It’s like seeing that funky boyfriend all dressed up.”

       Sneed worked directly with the team at Lux to discover what type of
       space would fit them best.
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