Page 50 - Sandy Jackman Pantai Hotel
P. 50


                                                                                        By   Gerald M. Neff

          By far the largest in water volume and the longest river in the world, the   personalities that always seem to congregate in this historic monument.
     Amazon is the world class Queen of fluvial waters: Named after the savage   They have air-conditioning and can be found in the main square and along
     arrow shooting female warriors, this majestic river snakes two thousand   the main thoroughfare of El Prospero Street.
     miles inland through Brazil and to the north-east frontier of Peru. The Ama-
                                                                   You can also choose the modern cruise boats. The host takes you from
                                                             the airport in an air conditioned bus directly to the air conditioned ambi-
                                                             ance of the luxury cruisers with such names as The Delfin I, Delfin II, La
                                                             Amatista or other high end cruise boats: Complete with fifteen to twenty air
                                                             conditioned cabins and classy bar. This includes a tour of four days and five
                                                             nights for families and assorted tour groups to visit the attractions.

                                                             For those vacationing alone or with family in Iquitos and staying in one of
                                                             the various hotels, a visit to the river wharf will tell you what trips and tours
                                                             are available on a local basis to go up river to Nauta or down river to Peevas
                                                             or Tabatinga.  A number of fifteen to twenty passengers size boats with quiet
                                                             out boards - so as not to frighten away the fauna – are reasonable priced
                                                             and negotiable for the day tours.
                                                             However, my favorite trips are on the beautiful three tiered Mississippi style
                                                             river boats of approximately eighty to a hundred and twenty feet long. Com-
                                                             plete with saloon, bar, dining room, beds and at times a hammock.  And with
                                                             a wonderful variety of local and international personalities you are never
                                                             bored. On this trip you see the same sights as the more expensive luxurious
                                                             cruises, and it is just as exciting. These tours are negotiable at the hotels or
                                                             with the boat captain.

                                                             The area has a number of tree top canopy tours for the Eco-enthusiasts and
                                                             are located several hours by boat up or down river.  Usually advanced reser-
                                                             vations are required for groups of fifteen to thirty persons in a planned site
                                                             with screened in breeze cooled cabins or air conditioning. A swimming pool
 50                                                                                               is (normally) provided.
                                                                                                  The big attraction is
                                                                                                  the high bridges in the
     zon River is so wide here, at the port of Iquitos, that you can barely                       canopies of tall trees
     see the other side. It is navigable by ocean going vessels to Iquitos,                       to observe the flora
     carrying raw petroleum for the Peruvian refinery. These ships must                           and fauna in the early
     turn around here and pick up international cargo as they return down                         morning and evenings.
     river to the Atlantic Ocean.                                                                 This is interlaced with
                                                                                                  tours into the jungle
     Within this river (and hundreds of feeder streams) are literally tens                        and exploration by boat
     of thousands of animals and birds not found anywhere else in the                             or canoe.
     world. The pink and gray porpoise or dolphin can be seen jumping
     in and out of the waters and even following the boats. The Amazon
     Basin was once an inland ocean and is teeming with all sorts of wild                         An endless combination
     creatures, exotic fish and flora. The piranhas are found in the side                         of tours and transporta-
     streams and must be respected, but are easily caught with any bait.                          tion with promised ports
     Careful now!  You could lose your favorite fingers; two people are                           of call, animals and
     needed to unhook these nasty needle toothed critters. This means,                            aquatic life, complete
     one to tightly hold the slippery fish and the other to remove the hook.                      with exotic plants
     They are delicious but too many bones for my taste.                                          and birds are yours
                                                                                                  for the choosing. It is
     With almost two thousand varieties of birds available in Peru, the                           the opportunity of a
     majority are found in the Peruvian Amazon Basin which includes the                           lifetime. Tourism in the
     adjoining Pacaya-Shamira National Reserve that has an unbelievable                           Peruvian Amazon is a
     number of herons, finches, toucans, red and blue macaws, eagles,                             year-round activity with
     and kites. There are also tree sloths, dozens of types of monkeys,                           the monsoons from
     snakes and, if you are lucky, some evening or early morning you                              December through May
     might see a tapir or otorongo (that is a jungle                                              and high waters abating
     Leopard of 180 to 250 pounds) rambling around.                                               by August: Any time is
                                                                                                  favorable for the river
                                                                                                  tours., Remember, it
     The city of Iquitos is quite clean, washed daily by rain; its unique                         rarely rains all day long,
     architecture resembles the antique New Orleans style. You can find                           so there is always time
     the original cast iron Round House built by Gustav Eiffel which was shipped   to see the sights and enjoy all that the local area has to offer. In fact I have
     up river during the glory days of the rubber boom. The Round House's   been enjoying this for many years, so it is your turn to go south to make
     present proprietor is a British ex-patriot who calls himself the extra official   some fine memories and enjoy yourself.
     British Consul of the Amazon. This interesting pub and restaurant is a must
     see watering hole to eat and have a drink with a variety of foreign and local            Buen Viaje !!!           Bon Voyage!!!
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