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Lines in the Sand

        When your life falls apart in front of your eyes, what gives you the strength   Line One:  Be Authentic
        to lift yourself up and start all over again?  This was the question I had to   Line Two:  View Every Experience as a Gift
 By Lizzy Marples  ask Annie M. Fonte, founder of a wonderful new program called Lines in the   Line Three: Quiet Yourself So You Can Hear the Whisper of Destiny
        Sand.                                                   Line Four: Embrace & Practice Surrender
                                                                Line Five: Astonish Yourself Every Day
        The date was Monday October 22, 2007 at 4:30 pm, a moment that will   Line Six:  Do Right, Not Be Right
        forever be frozen in Annie’s mind.  It was the moment that her home in Ran-  Line Seven: Be Impeccably Fiscally Disciplined
        cho Santa Fe, California burned to the ground.  If this wasn’t bad enough,   Line Eight: Live Graciously
        at the same time the fifteen year relationship she had been in was also   Line Nine: Simply Be, Be Simply
        "going up in flames."                                   Line Ten: Leave a Dent
        With her personal life in ruins, her professional life wasn’t doing much bet-  “Lines in the Sand will be a challenging and invigorating journey. There will
        ter.  One of her companies was in the midst of a multi-million dollar lawsuit   be hard questions that demand answers that are honest and certain. There
        with a huge global company.  Any one of these things would make a person   will be moments of sadness and of great joy. There will be ‘ah ha’ moments
        crumble, but Annie knew  she had to  re-imagine and re-create her life. She   and times when you will want to close the book and put it on a shelf, never
        said, “The great poet Rumi once said, ‘Set your life on fire.’ Rumi would be   to return to its pages. You will recognize things about yourself that you
        proud, I was all in!”                                   don’t much care for and you will discover things that you would have never
                                                                imagined...good things, grand things: LIFE giving things.”
        Annie began the journey of moving forward with great courage and deter-
        mination.  She explains, “Building a house from the ground up was never   Annie’s group is a small intimate gathering of about 10 people and the
        on my list of things to do.  As a matter of fact I had never even given any   sessions convene in a private barn where they take part in a life changing
        thought to doing such a thing. GOD had other plans for me and who was   year-long journey. They spend time in nature, mingling with horses and in
        I to argue with the big guy. I was so broken from a failed relationship that   the company of a few great dogs.   “For six hours once a month we gather
        my heart literally ached. My business partner and I were supposed to be in   to explore, restore and reunite with our true essence…we imagine, design
        Minneapolis, in the middle of freezing cold winter, meeting with attorneys in   and dare to live an authentic life filled with joy and appreciation.  We coura-
        two weeks to continue our David and Goliath legal battle. I didn't even have   geously become our real self.  We get a little dust on our boots, we shed a
        a coat, let alone anything else to wear.  I lost almost everything I owned in   few tears and we laugh…a lot”
        the fire.”
        Annie viewed these experiences as a gift.  She continues, "I decided to   For those who do not reside in San Diego, or for some reason cannot phys-
        simply be with the loss and heartache.   As humanly challenging as it was, I   ically attend the meetings, Lines in the Sand will be available online starting
        elected to accept all that each moment brought to me as if I had                     September 2014, allowing Annie
        chosen it for myself.  I was still; often.  I went on walks; many.                     to help even more people.
        I lived moment to moment and realized that being happy
        and healed and safe was all a matter of choice. As the days,                           I asked Annie, what was one of
        months, and now years passed I learned a lot...about myself,                           the most important things she
        about others, about life and about love.  Along the way (thou-                         learned from the experience   San Diego
                                                                                               of losing her house?  “It is a   Woman
                                                                                               very humbling experience to
                                                                                               watch your house burn to the
                                                                                               ground.  I never felt like a fire   49
                                                                                               "victim" and it was an identity
                                                                                               that I didn't embrace.  I was
                                                                                               fortunate to have my dogs with
                                                                                               me, and my three horses made
                                                                                               it through the blazing night
                                                                                               like champions.  I looked at it
                                                                                               as a cleansing experience.  I
                                                                                               didn't have to decide what I
                                                                                               wanted to keep and what I
                                                                                               wanted to get rid of.  Mother
                                                                                               Nature handled that part.  She
                                                                                               decided everything must go
                                                                                               with the exception of me and
                                                                                               my animals.  I quickly came
                                                                                               to the conclusion that all that
                                                                                               was lost were things.  With the
        sands of magazine pages, a bunch of books, a seminar here                              exception of a few keepsakes
        and there, the support of friends and family and absolute de-                          everything could be replaced.
        termination) I created Lines in the Sand:  A 10 Step Invitation                        The process of rebuilding took
        to Be Your Authentic Self.  I created it because I want to help                        two years.  In the course of
        others live an authentic life...a life that is extraordinary...a life                  those two years a tremendous
        worth living.”                                                                         amount of renewal ensued.  I
                                                                                               learned that I could live without
        There are many programs out there taught by doctors, psy-                              those "things".  I learned that
        chologists and professors, but no one can understand the total devastation   what I had was enough.  I learned the freedom of letting go.  I managed to
        of such severe loss better than someone who lived through it and came   find quiet moments in the chaos and that "home" isn't a place, it is a way of
        back stronger and better than ever.  Annie Fonte has done so.  Her Lines in   being....and, Lines in the Sand rose out of those ashes.
        the Sand Program takes a year to complete and includes the following ten
        lines:                                                  For more information visit Annie M. Fonte’s site at www.meetmeatthebarn.
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