Page 7 - Sandy Jackman Pantai Hotel
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                                                                                                  T  Lisa K Miller
                                                                                                  HO  Lisa is the owner of Photog-
                                                                                                     raphy by Lisa K, a custom
                                              Eva Starr                                           P  portrait studio located in San
                                              Eva Starr’s spiritual            Deeba Van Overberghe  Diego, specializing in the high-
        Robert Tussey     Elaine McGhee       journey has taken her   Lyna Nath  Daughter of an artist, Deeba   est quality portraiture. As the
        Robert has been a   Elaine is a working mom   coast-to-coast digesting   Originally born in Cambo-  grew up with the influence   mother of twins, Lisa shines
        published writer for over   of two who is truly “in the   the various schools of   dia, Lyna now makes her   of art all around her.  At the   at capturing moments in
        thirty years and has been   groove of life” balancing   thought. Starr a trans-  home in Bonita, California.     age of 15, she witnessed the                  pregnancy and early life. She
        providing editing services   being a mom, a wife and   plant from Cleveland, OH   After nearly fifteen years   installation of a Salvadore Dali   shares her talents with many
        for the past twenty-five.  As   leading a fulfilling work life   currently writes for The   in public education, Lyna   exhibit in Chicago, standing   local charities
        a musician, he has written   while pursuing her passion   Journey Magazine. When   is currently an aspiring   inches from "Persistence of
        scores of songs.  His life   for empowering moms.   she’s not writing you’ll   artist and writer.  In both   Memory" and "St. John of
        has revolved around his               find her cooking for the   of her arts as well as   the Cross."  She was thrilled
        music and writing, often   From her own emotionally   homeless and the Veter-  her writing projects, she   when she had the chance to
        melding the two into articles   traumatic return to work after   ans of North County.   infuses elements of beauty   interview Madame Argillet.
        and interviews.   her first child, ThriveMomma         and darkness that are   Deeba has dedicated the last
                          was born. She has spent the          present in life. Her goal is   14 years to refining her artistic
                          past four years researching,         to illuminate the various   talents and abilities in Fine
                          coaching San Diego moms              aspects of life through her   and Decorative Arts and Il-
                          and crafting a mindful ap-           creative work.   lustration.  She has illustrated
                          proach that helps them thrive                         books here in San Diego,
                          as they go back to work after                         painted murals as far away as
                          maternity leave and beyond.                           Indonesia and flown to places
                                                                                like Wyoming and Hawaii for
                                                                                Decorative Painting.

                                                                                                                        San Diego
        Carol LeBeau                          Carol Garan                                                                 Woman
        Carol LeBeau spent close
        to 30 years as a beloved              Carol Garan is married and   Jeani Zuber
        fixture on San Diego News.            lives in San Diego.  She has   Jeani spent close to 30 years
        Today she is enjoying her             had three careers in her life-  as a successful professional
        retirement, as well as a   Debbie Storms  time, that of Wife and Mother,   in the marketing and business
        second career as an in de-            Executive Secretary, and   development fields, which   Elizabeth (Lizzy)
        mand speaker at functions   Debbie has enjoyed many   subsequently an Actor.  Carol   included both medical and
        throughout San Diego. In   careers from accountant to air   finally found her passion in   private sector companies.   Marples
        addition to her many speak-  traffic controller. She believes   the arts and besides acting in   Presently retired she takes   Lizzy is a junior, soon to be
                          life is an adventure to be
        ing engagements, Carol is   lived to its fullest. Growing up   commercials, TV, and theater   great pleasure in her second   senior, at High Tech High in
        a columnist for San Diego   in New Jersey, she learned   she has been writing for years.    career as a gifted free-lance   Point Loma. She came to
        Woman speaking about life   life skills to help her practice   These Tales of the Original   writer for several publica-  San Diego Woman as an
        after her news career.  that credo. Her passion for   Soccer Moms are retrospec-  tions. She is currently writing   intern hoping to get a look at
                          travel has taken her to many   tive of her many years with   a book.  what goes into publishing a
                          parts of the world. She is now   four children who were all   magazine. She enjoys writ-
                          focusing on writing about   involved in sports.        ing and is excited to get the
                          her travels and interviewing                           chance to be published.
                          entertainers, which is a great

                                                               Monica Lucas H.H.P,
                                                               RYI, CPCC, CHT                       Jim Mutton
        Lisa Matar                                             Monica is a Licensed and   Diana Vahedi  Though a communications
                                                                                                    engineer by trade, with a
        Lisa is the owner and                 Maggie Ramos     Certified Holistic Health   Diana is a published   Ph.D. in Engineering from
        creative director of AllFabu-  Maile Rudebusch  Maggie is a poetry writer,   Practitioner, Professional   poet and teacher. She is   UCLA, Jim developed a love, a lifestyle   Maile graduated from   who has been writing po-  Vision Expansion™ Special-  currently working on two   of writing in high school,
        website covering fashion,   Northern Arizona University   etry since her early teenage   ist, Certified Hypnotherapist,   children's books and a   and continued his study
        travel, beauty and special   with a degree in broadcast   years. She has previously   Registered Yoga Instructor   young adult novel entitled,   of the English language
        events. She frequently   journalism. Since graduat-  published with the group   and certified Y.O.U. Practi-  "My Alter Ego: How I   throughout college. He
        interviews public figures   ing she has continued to   Bohemios por Amor (Bohe-  tioner, with a background in   Survivied Middle School as   has written articles for the
        and fashion designers.   pursue her passion for writ-  mina’s of Love). Ramos is   business management and   a Walking Lightning Rod."   newspaper and regularly
        Lisa Matar has been a   ing through creating articles   from San Diego Ca. with an   leadership training. Monica   Diana hopes to inspire her   edits columns and books for
        contributing editor to San   about fascinating people   engraved Hispanic back-  started her own holistic prac-  own students to pursue   other writers. He was a TV
        Diego Woman Magazine   and places in San Diego.  ground from Guadalajara,   tice in 1996 and has been an   their dreams of becoming   news anchor and program
        since 2012.                           Jalisco, Mexico. She is cur-  active part of that community.   writers someday. She lives   host for several years and
                                              rently attending Mira Costa   Her new book “Why Yogis   with her husband and two   developed program scripts
                                              College and The Escondido   Live on Mountain Tops” is the   daughters in North County.  and advertising copy. He has
                                              Adult School. Ramos is   story of her own humorous    specialized in producing ma-
                                              working on a collection of   journey of finding spiritual   terial for political campaigns,
                                              poems to be published in   enlightenment and what to do   including speech writing and
                                              English and Spanish.   once you think you have.       advertisements.
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