Page 12 - Sandy Jackman Pantai Hotel
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Not only was David a treasured friend, but since he had lived 6 years Bali; taking into account the differences in climate so she was sure
in Bali, he knew better than anyone how to bring the essence of a that they would not die during the La Jolla winter, rainy and over-
luxury Balinese resort to San Diego. In reality, he was the only one cast months. “I thought this part would be easy, I would just hire a The Golden Ratio
among all of them who had ever been to Bali. What was even more landscaper and he would handle it all. Unfortunately, no one could
unique about David was his ability to think outside the box. So now understand my vision for Bali. So after just a few attempts I had to
their search was to not only find a new architect who could understand give up and do it myself. I picked every plant that is here and placed Salvador Dali, Pierre Argillet and Madame Christine Argillet
their concept, but one who could also think outside the box. It took each in its respective position around the property. The only thing I
quite a while and a great referral from a friend to bring them in touch didn’t do is physically plant them. Sandy’s horticulture expertise was
with Greg Castle. “Greg had a background in working on waterside self-taught. She also acknowledged learning a lot from one-on-one
restaurants and tropical settings which we knew would be helpful with training with the well-known gardening expert and landscape architect
accomplishing our vision.” Bruce Asakawa when they worked together on a project thirty years
It was at this point though, prior.
that Sandy, Larry and family It is obvious when you walk
decided that without David’s through this incredible resort that
instinctive knowledge of Bali what they have accomplished is
to draw from, they would nothing short of amazing. Close
certainly have to visit Bali. your eyes as you walk through the
Next was the decision on who Candi Bentars and you will feel
would be going. At the time as if you have entered Bali. What
Larry’s mother was in poor makes this an even more amazing
health, so they decided to feat is that none of the principles
send their new architect Greg of this property have ever been
Castle. In the two weeks to Bali. Visitors have come to the
between making the decision resort and told the Jackmans that
and heading off to Bali, all of they have been to Bali and stayed
the Jackmans would be work- at luxury resorts and that they have
ing day and night to create a not missed a single detail, from
“get-it book” for Greg to take the bamboo ceilings to the gold
with him. In it would be all of paintings to the tile risers in the
the special items that Sandy, gathering room, it is all the exact
who was the primary designer same quality as found in the finest
of the resort, felt were neces- Balinese hotel.
sary to fit their dream of cre-
ating an authentic Balinese All of Sandy’s design work is
Luxury Resort. spectacular and Larry and the
With a huge binder in hand, rest of the family seem to work in
Greg and his daughter complete harmony to create the
headed off to Bali for a buying perfect balance. Sandy, a native
trip for the Pantai Inn. Every Californian, is well accomplished
night, Sandy would speak and has an exceptional knack for
with Greg on the phone (from creativity.
Bali) and he would email pho-
tos of what he had purchased Seeing how perfectly Sandy and
for Sandy to check it off their Larry worked together, led me to
list. Mersy was serving as inquire as to how they met, Sandy
Greg’s driver, taking him all told me the story of how she met
over the island to the areas her husband Larry while giving
where wood carvers, stone blood and bone marrow to her
carvers, artists, tile makers, father. At the blood bank, Larry
etc., were located and Greg handed the petite young girl a
would select what Sandy handwritten note asking her to
had chosen and the next day call him to arrange a date. Little
the same exercise would be did Larry know at the time, Sandy
repeated for several weeks until it was time to come home. used his note as scratch paper to write down someone else’s phone
When the forty-foot shipping container from Bali arrived at the Pantai number. It took a few weeks and encouragement from her mom to
Inn with its carefully packed cargo, Sandy and the rest of the family make the call, but she eventually did. Their first date was to visit her
gathered to open the crates as if they were children at Christmas, ex- dad at the hospital. What sealed the deal for her was the following
cited to see what each new crate held in store for them. For the most month when she paid a surprise visit to her father to find Larry there
part, much of what was shipped made it safely across the Pacific but playing chess with her dad. Larry had found out how much her dad
many of the items were damaged going through the customs inspec- loved chess, and without even telling Sandy, he had been visiting
tion process. Some of the most disappointing items damaged were her father’s bedside to play chess with him daily. They were mar-
the hand carved very intricate irreplaceable Candi Bentars (entrance ried shortly thereafter and are now the proud parents of two grown
gates), which are large, temple looking towers that had met with a daughters, Jennifer and Michelle. Jennifer lives with her husband and
customs agent’s foot, and shattered into hundreds of pieces. They two children in Hawaii. Michelle is engaged to be married in October
hired a specialist who worked full-time for many months reassembling, of this year and is currently working at the Pantai Inn.
piece by piece, making molds to fabricate what could not be recov- When ask what the future holds for Pantai Inn, Sandy simply answers
ered. it is a labor of love and a legacy for our children and grandchildren.
Once the furnishings and decorating was done we moved on to linens With special Balinese themes scheduled for their guests, keep track of
and draperies and landscaping. Again it was Sandy’s dream to make the calendar and make a reservation today. How else are you going
it as realistic as possible: So days and days of research led her to to be able to go to Bali? A stay at the Pantai Inn and you will swear
the perfect mix of plants, flowers and bushes that would be found in you have been there.