Page 17 - Sandy Jackman Pantai Hotel
P. 17

Tales of the Original Soccer Moms

                                                                                                By Carol Garan

        Homes weren’t very expensive and new develop-
        ments were springing up all over America with afford-
        able housing.  It’s been a long journey since that first
        soccer game.
        They call us the baby boomer generation. America
        was booming and families were buying homes in
        newly built communities all over America. Everyone
        had landscaping and a lawnmower, built in applianc-
        es, yards to play in, winding streets where children
        played and your neighbors went to and from work.
        Our children walked to school without fear and there
        were also parks and community swimming pools. It
        was a new America and our dreams became reality:
        Opportunity for growth was all around us.
        The women of the baby boomer generation were
        raised with a 1950’s housewife mentality and married
        early, until they grew into the mania of the “sex”-ties
        mentality, and they raised their broods through the
        most unfashionable time in history, the 1970’s. This
        was the era of Neil Diamond, the Beatles, Elvis, Sat-
        urday Night Live and our introduction to youth soccer
        in America.
        We missed the boat in those generations. While
        the women of the 1960’s were burning their bras
        we were shopping for nursing bras.  We were post
        Beatles or pre Rolling Stones.  During Woodstock,
        many were changing diapers and entertaining their
        husband’s bosses.  World events took a back seat
        behind the ‘car bed’.
        Did you ever wonder who the first “Soccer Moms”                                                                San Diego
        were? Soccer did not become a popular organized                                                                  Woman
        youth sport until the 1970’s.  Every kid in America
        wanted to play soccer.  Soccer continues to be an
        acceptable and valued sport and supported whole-
        heartedly by today’s                                                                                          17
        Soccer Moms who hover over their children while
        encouraging them from the sidelines.  It caught on
        big time and they were and still are usually subur-
        ban women who car pool back and forth to games.
        Hence, the popularity of the SUV or Minivan
        We were the original soccer Moms and didn’t know
        it.  In my case, at the time we were transplants from
        New York and New Jersey and lived in the South.
        It was tournament time, late spring, and we were
        scheduled to play at the school field that day.  The
        usual parents would be there with team colored
        shirts or hats and Cepacol to spray after yelling down the field   ner parties, usually organized by our Soccer Mom friend, Roz.
        at their kids.  Gatorade had just been invented so there was not   We had dinner parties every week in those days.  Some were
        much of that, but team Moms concocted a sweet punch of juice   planned and some impromptu.  We had costume parties, pool
        or a bucket of orange slices for the team. The Southern Mom’s   parties, soccer parties, basketball parties, football parties, tennis
        yelled in their high pitched voices, “Run the other way sweet pea,   parties, graduation parties, golf tournament parties, gourmet par-
        he’s on your behind.” We Northern Moms had our own choice   ties, progressive dinner parties, card parties and holiday parties.
        phrases, “Get your ass down that field, no, no not that way.” Irene   We were truly living the American Dream.
        always added “kill number 11”, a number belonging to my son   There were many memorable parties and any excuse was good
        who ran the field like a Sherman Tank taking out everyone in his   enough to have one.
        path.  My friend, Irene, wanted to spice up the sideline fun and   We never had kids at our parties, they had their own friends to
        was getting her boys in the car when she remembered to go back   play with. We were kids too finding our way through the twenty
        in the house for the Bloody Marys.  She emptied the shaker of   and thirty-something’s.
        fragrant tomato juice into her thermos  just seemed to be more   That was more than 30 years ago girls and I wouldn’t change one
        fun that way once in a while.  The kids had no idea what we were   minute of it.  So enjoy your journey Millennium Soccer Moms.
        drinking. When the games were over on Saturdays, we gathered   They can be the best times of your lives and you, too, will have
        the car pool kids and headed back home to get ready for the din-  wonderful stories to tell the next generation of “Soccer Moms”.
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