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Why Yogis End Up On Mountain Tops:

         From Dimwit to Enlightened in 40 Days

                         Enlightenment into Nothing - My Story…

        So began my journey into spiritual awakening, in the land of the   Waiter! I’ll Take My Check
        ignorant, in the dark, dimwitted world of reality and the idea of this   Isn’t that what life is about, one huge reality check?  When we en-
        tale was to find out how to get to enlightenment city, where things   ter this world we are all the same, slimy and innocent. The doctor
        sparkle and shine - or something like that.             smacks us on the rear, we cough and cry and “hello, reality check!”
        To be very clear, I am not a scholar or particularly gifted in any   All we did was show up and some stranger slaps us for “our own
        spectacular way. I don’t see dead people and I don’t hear voices in   good” and  sets the stage for how it all goes down from there. In
        my head. I am not a self-proclaimed anything and I have nothing to   order to walk we must fall down, in order to ride a bike we must fall
        prove or loose. Often, I have pondered what life is really all about   over, in order to have success we must fail. Granted, the amount of
        and I hoped that I was living my                                                      times we fall down, over or
        “life purpose” if there really is a                                                    under will depend primar-
        purpose to life as all the experts                                                     ily on how quickly we catch
        say.                                                                                   on, but none the less it is
        My outlook in life has mostly                                                          through our pain, that we
        been hopeful. However, I                                                               realize how much the learn-
        believe I was born a realist                                                           ing curve sucks and we
        outfitted with designer rose                                                           really want to avoid the pain
        colored glasses and a half-full                                                        at all possible cost, most of
        bottle of milk. It is very typical                                                     the time.
        that once I make a decision to                                                         In the course of figuring out
        do something, there is no stop-                                                        what enlightenment was all
        ping me, just ask my Mom. She                                                          about, I was exposed to a
        experienced quite a bit of that                                                        lot of forms that the enlight-
        mentality from about the age of                                                        enment process comes in.
        two. Also, I tend to have a “take                                                      I have peered into most
        the bull by the horns” approach                                                        religions, methodologies,   San Diego
        to most things I do and when                                                           therapies, processes and   Woman
        you mix that with the stub-                                                            self-help seminars that
        born belief system that I can                                                          all paint the portrait of the
        do anything I put my mind to                                                           perfect way to gain salva-  21
        (something I already possessed                                                         tion, for one low-price. Some
        and that got overly developed                                                          were insightful and some
        at one of those motivational                                                           were not. Some were a lot
        seminars I attended in the 90’s),                                                      of fun and some left me
        you have one motivated, strong                                                         wondering “what the hell
        willed and positive she can do                                                         just happened?” But none
        it, woman. And as true as this                                                         the less, I kept the faith
        may be, it usually affords me                                                          that somehow, I was going
        the ability not to come out of                                                         to reach enlightenment if it
        most experiences unscathed.                                                            killed me. Based on those
        Like most humans I have expe-                                                          encounters, I decided to
        rienced many negative things in                                                        write a blow by blow guide
        my life and yes, sometimes the                                                         to one girls take on enlight-
        negative stuff really bummed                                                           enment. This book is my
        me out. Still my positive perspective forged ahead. However, there   story. It’s a story of how and why I think it is so important that we
        has been many times when my positive perspective was not met   dimwits “get enlightened” and hopefully what I say here will spark
        with appreciation.  At one point in my career, I had an employer   something that makes you blink. For in the blink of an eye, life can
        tell me that my glasses were a little too rosy for their liking. I guess   change forever. What I’m going to discuss is not only about finding
        positive thinking didn’t mix too well with the tyrannical business   enlightenment, it is also about what happens once you think you
        model. Needless to say, I only lasted so long at that job.  are there. This book is a guide down that long and winding, humor-
        From that experience, I learned two very important lessons.  First,   ous side, of the all too human side, of the spiritual journey, because
        not everyone encourages or even likes a positive mindset. Second,   I discovered, reaching enlightenment is not all that serious.
        there are significant degrees of positive and negative personal-
        ity types and it varies as to how much is tolerable between them.   This is an excerpt from the book by Monica Lucas, Why Yogis Live
        Some people can be so negative that, even if you have a glimmer   on Mountain Tops: From Dimwit to Enlightened in 40 Days. This
        of positive behavior, they judge you as being an airy-fairy freak and   book will be released November 2014.
        think that you need to be written a reality check, all of which they
 Photos by Melissa Jacobs  are more than willing to sign.
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