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Fire and Nice                                            Stacey Ross

        How this multimedia maven balances helping San Diego’s families and motherhood
                                                                                          By Elaine McGhee

                                                                 SanDiegoBargainMama was one of the first, and remains a
                                                                 mom-centric hub for local San Diego family events and bargains.
                                                                 Deal-a-day websites like Groupon are commonplace today, but
                                                                 back in 2007 she helped to locally pioneer the concept of sharing
                                                                 local value routinely. The site offers a limited time deal with a deep
                                                                 discount like a recent 75% off an air duct cleaning service. Also
                                                                 featured on the site are mom-friendly articles about how to find
                                                                 deals around San Diego. Be sure to look for the “SDBM tips” for
                                                                 clever ways to save around town.
                                                                 After only 3 months the word of mouth, or “word of mouse” as she
                                                                 puts it, of only 30 friends and family made the blog catch media
                                                                 attention.  She recalled how a local news station asked her to do
                                                                 a spot the next morning.  She found that since she was getting so
                                                                 many calls from TV stations and the media that it was the perfect
                                                                 time to utilize the already-growing number of regular columnists
                                                                 and guest bloggers who had become contributors to “Team
                                                                 SDBM.”  Their enthusiasm towards building community helped
                                                                 to provide a win-win opportunity for Stacey, her team and the TV
                                                                 station. One of the most refreshing elements of her success has
                                                                 been her openness to strategic partnerships. Not doing all the work
                                                                 herself freed up her time to focus on her toddlers and critical busi-
                                                                 ness demands.
                                                                 Currently, Stacey is partnering with Debra Simpson of North San
                                                                 Diego Business to bring a one-day Digital Marketing Boot camp
                                                                 to San Diego on September 10th. As a sponsor, Stacey is sharing
                                                                 with her community how they can learn smart ways to market their
                                                                 business online.
                                                                 Originally from the L.A. area, Stacey learned how to shine and find
 18                                                              daring ways to navigate the “dog eat dog world.” The fire that “only
                                                                 living in LA can give you” has manifested into business confidence.
                                                                 Boldness to take strategic risks, to make her face her brand, and
                                                                 most recently to launch her sister company SR Media Consulting.
                                                                 Once again combining her innate ability to bring the right people
                                                                 together she helps local and online entrepreneurs with smart ways
                                                                 to affordably get the buzz out via online and traditional marketing.
                                                                 She prides herself on the chutzpah to take risks. The art of risk
                                                                 taking that she admittedly refined over the years:  Risks that didn’t
                                                                 always pay off especially as she was starting out overly eager and
                                                                 over extending herself. “Four hours of sleep doesn’t help anyone.”
                                                                 I’m a local ‘mompreneur’ myself, so I was on the edge of my seat
                                                                 waiting to hear the answer to this question: What advice would you
                                                                 give a mom who wants to start her own business? “Find a mentor
                                                                 and practice the art of time management. When you learn this skill
                                                                 as a mom, you become a calmer person and a better leader in
                                                                 your house.  It’s an incredibly empowering skill to teach your kids.”
     “My six-year-old daughter raised her Barbie doll to my face, that was   Passion for building premier San Diego businesses from the ground-up
     buried in my laptop, and in wisdom beyond her years spoke to me in   runs in the Ross family. Her husband Steve’s fascination as a child with
     Barbie’s voice, ‘Don’t you want to relax and go for a walk on the beach   tropical fish blossomed into Aquaman Aquarium Services in Carlsbad. He
     and feel the sand through your toes and just have fun?!’” Her then 6-year-  specializes in design and fabrication of residential and commercial aquari-
     old’s playtime intervention turned out to be Stacey Ross’ most important   ums. He turned his excitement into expertise thanks to his parents foster-
     business lesson.                                       ing his love of fish keeping. Another great lesson to parents to always
     Ross turned her young daughter’s plea into her personal commitment to   embrace their child’s curiosity - you never know, they could be successful
     what she calls “kids first, make the rest happen.”  This savvy founder of   entrepreneurs like the Ross’ learned early on how to find the right mix of   I’m inspired by highly successful people who have the ability to build
     helping others while, at the same time, helping her own family. Her jour-  sophisticated businesses in the public-eye, yet stay grounded like Stacey.
     ney began after choosing to be a stay at home mom with her two young   For her “it’s knowing when to listen to your intuition.” That inner guidance
     children. But after four months she grew restless; she always valued hav-  system has become one of her super powers. “That first tiny voice you
     ing a strong presence in her community.                hear is the right answer.”
     Stacy is a natural born “connector.” Long before the internet Stacey re-  Stacey Ross’ formula for her media maven success includes equal parts
     calls how her desk was full of post-its of people’s names who she should   compassionate drive to help San Diego families, using her innate match-
     connect for business or friendships. So when she had the calling to start   making gifts in modern marketing tactics, and setting guilt-free boundaries
     a blog she combined her love of matchmaking with creativity to serve a   between business and family. This winning combination will continue to
                                             "Jewels" Mixed Media on paper
     budding community of moms - all while earning a supplemental family   fuel her success in San Diego and beyond!
     income - on her own terms.
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