Page 22 - Sandy Jackman Pantai Hotel
P. 22

Who Rules the Home?

                                                                                                  By Jim Mutton

     We all know that the man is King of the Castle. It sounds like we   clearly ours? Well, if they are either out-of-sight or arranged ac-
     men are really the boss, but in reality we know that the castle and   cording to her protocol, they are tolerable. Otherwise we might
     our royal status are only in our minds, and we know who rules the   hear, “I wish you would get rid of some of your clutter (or junk)
     home. It’s not that men don’t have a place there, but the home is   around the (“my”) living room!” And, back to cleaning out the
     “hers.”                                                garage, we are reminded to get rid of all that junk. Now, that junk
                                                            happens to be our tools, some old car parts, leftover things from
     Men are certainly useful in the home. “Honey, the sink is stopped   some repair job, or perhaps some of our magazines. Who knows,
     up again!” “Will you tell Johnny to turn that music down?” “Would   some of those old parts might be useful someday, including that
     you get the ladder out and replace the ceiling light that’s been   old corroded toilet valve that’s been gathering dust for ten years.
                                                                                           Her things, however,
                                                                                           enhance the beauty of the
                                                                                           (oops, “her”) home. What
                                                                                           collectibles are to one
                                                                                           person are junk to another.
                                                                                           But, to be fair, most men’s
                                                                                           things would probably not
                                                                                           be selected by a home
                                                                                           decorator for contributing to
                                                                                           the chances for a house-
                                                                                           beautiful award.
                                                                                            Decisions on home
                                                                                           changes and upgrades are
                                                                                           her prerogative whether
                                                                                           they make sense to us or
                                                                                           not. “What’s wrong with
                                                                                           the color of the living room
                                                                                           walls?” we say as we get
                                                                                           a lecture on the fact that
                                                                                           the paint doesn’t match
 22                                                                                        the sofa cushions too well
                                                                                           or that the latest trend is
                                                                                           muted reds or greens. “But
                                                                                           the paint covers the wall,
                                                                                           doesn’t it (Bad joke, not too
                                                                                           appropriate at this time)?”
                                                                                           Just give in at the moment
                                                                                           and mumble something
                                                                                           along the lines of how you
                                                                                           will bring paint samples
                                                                                           home and get some esti-
                                                                                           mates; perhaps she will for-
                                                                                           get about it. Not a chance!

                                                                                           Now, about that castle, a
                                                                                           “man cave” might be ac-
                                                                                           ceptable if it’s in a corner of
                                                                                           a large garage, the base-
                                                                                           ment (not many of these
                                                                                           in California), or part of an
                                                                                           unfinished attic. We can
     burned out for two weeks?” Or, one of the worst pronouncements:   put almost anything in it. A spare bedroom will not work because
     “Honey, we need to clean out the garage this weekend.” In this   it’s too much a part of “her” house. It would be treated the same
     case, of course, “we” does not include “her.”          way as Johnny’s bedroom: “When are you going to clean up this
                                                            pigsty of a room?”
     The house itself is clearly hers, and we men are reminded of it in
     several ways. When Johnny comes in the house tracking dirt, we   We men know that harmony in the (OK, “her”) home depends on
     say, “Get back outside right now young man and take your shoes   her happiness, so let’s give in and be happy. As the famous say-
     off!” She says, “Stop tracking dirt on my floor!” Yes, that little pos-  ing goes, “If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!” Yes, guys,
     sessive pronoun is a sure indicator of her ownership of the house.   and don’t you forget it!
     What about the things that we men own, possessions that are
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