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Dreams Do Come True

                                         Dr Ruth Larson                                       Photos by Lisa K. Miller

       When you walk into the                                                                     practitioner in my practice.”
       office of Bernardo Derma-                                                                  Dr. Larson is a woman who
       tology you are instantly                                                                   is truly thankful for all that
       struck by the beauty of                                                                    life has given her, but there
       your surroundings. The                                                                     is one thing that she can’t
       gorgeous statues seem                                                                      help but credit for a lot of
       more fitting in a museum                                                                   her success in life, “With
       than in a dermatology                                                                      all the moves I made for
       office. Bernardo Derma-                                                                    internship and residency
       tology is not your typical                                                                 programs, to my final deci-
       doctor’s office and to be                                                                  sion to transfer to UCLA to
       honest, the doctors are                                                                    practice Dermatology, my
       not typical either.  It is ap-                                                             husband was always sup-
       parent that everyone who                                                                   portive. When I decided on
       works there is more like                                                                   UCLA, Alan had completed
       family than co-workers. As                                                                 his training in Gastroenter-
       anyone who has ever ran                                                                    ology and even though he
       a business will tell you,                                                                  was offered many presti-
       the essence of a business                                                                  gious positions in Phoenix,
       comes from the owner, the                                                                  he turned all of them down
       leader, the one in charge.                                                                 so I could go to UCLA to
       This is undeniably true.                                                                   pursue my dream.  This is
       Bernardo Dermatology                                                                       truly a supportive husband.
       began 31 years ago this                                                                    This is what I believe a
       past July by Dr. Ruth Lar-                                                                 lot of women need. This
       son, and her leadership                                                                    is team work, and shared
       has grown this business                                                                    responsibility. It takes a
       into a very successful and                                                                 team to be successful, and
       sought after practice.                                                                     we are most definitely a
       Growing up in the small                                                                    team.”  I had to agree on
       farming community of                                                                       this point.  Dr. Larson went  San Diego
       Beaver Creek, Oregon,                                                                      on to add, “when I finished   Woman
       the first in her family‘s                                                                  my dermatology training
       generation to graduate                                                                     at UCLA I wanted to start
       from college, Dr. Larson’s                                                                 both private practice and
       choices were to become                                                                     a family in my dream city   27
       either a teacher or a                                                                      of San Diego. However by
       nurse.  At the time Dr.                                                                    then my husband’s career
       Larson chose teaching.                                                                     was flourishing as Chief of
       With a Master’s in Educa-                                                                  Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
       tion Dr. Larson went on to                                                                 at USC Medical Center. Yet
       teach biology.  Not long                                                                   again, he agreed to leave
       after she began teach-                                                                     his academic career to fol-
       ing, she met the love of                                                                   low my vision.
       her life, Alan, a medical                                                                  My husband is simply
       student, and they were                                                                     amazing! He said that he
       soon married.  It was a                                                                    felt that it was better for our
       question posed by her                                                                      family if I got to do what I
       new husband which would                                                                    loved, especially since we
       forever change the course                                                                  wanted to have children,
       of her life. He asked her,                                                                 than to fulfill his ego by
       “So, when are you going                                                                    becoming the head of Gas-
       to do it?”  Confused at                                                                    troenterology.”  All I could
       first, she quickly realized                                                                think to say to Dr. Larson
       what Alan had already instinctively known:  Dr. Ruth Larson was not des-  was where did you find this man?
       tined to be a teacher, she was meant to be a doctor. She quickly applied to   When Dr. Larson’s second child, David, was just 3 months old she opened
       six medical schools and was accepted to four.  She selected the University   her private practice with baby in tow and a nanny, breast feeding between
       of Oregon Medical School, where her husband was a resident in the area of   patients. Her original nurse Shirley (from 31 years ago) is still with her today
       Internal Medicine.  During her second year, when she had the opportunity to   along with a staff full of long term employees, many of whom have been
       interact with patients there was no longer a doubt in her mind, this is what   inspired to go on to medical school, nursing school and nurse practitioner
       she was meant to do. Following medical school, Dr. Larson did an internship   school.
       in internal medicine for one year at Good Samaritan Hospital in Phoenix.   There are eight providers now that help to complete the full service Derma-
       “I knew right away I wanted to go into dermatology, since I was very visual   tology Center.  Along with Dr. Ruth A. Larson, there is a husband and wife
       and I liked the immediate gratification of helping people and connecting on   team Dr. Elizabeth Vierra and Dr. Mark Vierra, Dr. Frank Barber, Dr. Lynn
       a personal level. I was very lucky to do a rotation at UCLA, and it was a per-  Shipman, Dr. Vanessa London, Dr. Julie Gladsjo and nurse practitioner
       fect fit.  After I completed my internship, my husband and I were blessed to   Leah Larson Brown,NP.
       find out we were expecting our first child, Leah, who now works as a nurse
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