Page 28 - Sandy Jackman Pantai Hotel
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What makes this practice so unique is that although many of
     the physicians are well versed in the many procedures com-            Expert Advice on
     pleted in their office, they all tend to specialize in the areas
     they most enjoy and to which they feel most committed.
     Dr. Mark A. Vierra is a board-certified dermatologist who re-     Avoiding Skin Cancer
     ceived his training at the University of California, San Diego.
     Dr. Vierra does most of the Botox and fillers in the office and
     works with the latest filler that is offered, Juvederm voluma   Dr. Ruth Larson’s area of expertise is MOHS Surgery.  She
     XC.  It is used for cheek augmentation.             deals with very difficult skin cancers primarily on the central
                                                         face.  Sometimes her patients have been treated before and
     Dr. Francis A. Barber, Jr. is a board-certified dermatologist
     who received his training at the Naval Hospital, San Diego,   could not be cured.  The procedure Dr. Larson employs has
     CA. He received additional training in skin pathology at the   a 99% cure rate.  This is an outstanding success rate, but we
     Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, and is certified for   would all hope to never have to deal with being told that we
     special competency in dermatopathology by the American   have any type of cancer.  So I asked Dr. Larson what our read-
     Boards of Pathology and Dermatology.
                                                         ers could do to help avoid getting skin cancer, and what signs
                                                         should make them pay a visit to their dermatologist.
     Dr. Lynn Shipman is an acclaimed skin cancer specialist and   Dr. Larson suggests that if you develop a growth that lasts for
     has completed an additional fellowship in dermatologic sur-  more than one month you should consult your physician.
     gery and Mohs micrographic surgery at Tufts New England
     Medical Center in Boston.                           To protect yourself against Skin Cancer.
                                                         Always Wear Sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or above and the
     Dr. Elizabeth E. Vierra is a board-certified dermatologist who   words Broad Spectrum on it even if you are just walking around
     enjoys pediatric, adolescent and adult dermatology as well   in the sun.
     as surgical dermatology.  She enjoys all aspects of derma-
     tology and all ages.                                The SPF number refers to the ability of a sunscreen to block
                                                         ultraviolet (UVB) rays which cause sunburns.
     Dr. Vanessa London is a board certified dermatologist and   SPF 100: After seeing commercials for SPFs as high as 100.
     a Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology. Dr.   I asked if it made sense to get the highest SPF available. Her
     London particularly enjoys helping her patients with condi-
     tions that impact their quality of life such as severe acne,   answer finally helped me understand.  She explained that “the
     age spots, eczema, psoriasis, skin cancer, and blistering   SPF rating is a measure of the time it would take you to sunburn
     conditions.                                         if you were not wearing sunscreen, as opposed to the time
                                                         it would take with sunscreen on.”  More confusing is that the
     Leah Larson Brown, N.P is the daughter of Dr. Ruth Larson,
     the founder of this dermatology practice, and Alan Larson,   number ratings are not consumer friendly. An SPF of 60 is not
     M.D, a local gastroenterologist and longtime PPH board   double the coverage of SPF 30.  In reality you will only get 5-6%
     member. Leah acquired her R.N degree from the University   more coverage with an SPF rating of 60 than with the SPF 30.
     of San Diego and worked at UCSD’s Thornton Hospital in   Broad Spectrum: Since the SPF rating only protects you
     La Jolla on a medical-surgery ward. Following her dream to
     practice dermatology, Leah continued her medical training   against the UVB rays it is important to be sure that the sun-
     and graduated with honors from the University of San Diego   screen has the words Broad Spectrum on it as well.  This is the
     as a Nurse Practitioner.                            protection against the UVA rays. These rays are more closely
 28  Dr. Julie Gladsjo is a skin cancer specialist,  who also holds   linked to deeper skin damage.

     a doctorate in psychology and is the newest member of the   Water Proof Sunscreen: I also asked if there was such a
     Bernardo Dermatology family.                        thing as water proof sunscreen.  She corrected me, letting me
                                                         know that the word waterproof was not allowed to be used.  In
     And of Course, last but not least Dr. Ruth A. Larson is a skin   its place the companies now use the word water resistant, and
     cancer specialist, experienced with a wide range of surgical
     techniques, including Mohs micrographic surgery for the   cautioned that every time you come in from the water, even if
     removal of aggressive skin cancer. Dr. Larson is a member   you were using water resistant sunscreen, you should still reap-
     of the American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery. She   ply the sunscreen.
     was on the clinical teaching staff at UCSD and at the VA for   Put More Sunscreen On:  The proper amount of sunscreen to
     over 25 years, but now has retired from teaching dermatolo-
     gists.Dr. Larson has among the highest cure rate for non-  apply is about the size of a golf ball.  Sunscreen should be reap-
     melanoma skin cancer; over 99% cure rate in over 7,000   plied every two hours even if you don’t go in the water.
     Mohs cases with a 30 year follow-up.                Do We Get Skin Cancer From Childhood? I had also heard
                                                         that any skin cancer you get in your lifetime came from when
     “I had a dream of becoming a dermatologist and the dream
     came true.  I had a Dream of having my own practice. I had   you were a child.  Dr. Larson said that although this was thought
     a dream of giving the highest level of care I could give and   to be true for a while, it has since been proven to be incorrect.
     I gave my employees the book “The Day Maker” because   It’s like an adding machine. We get sun damage added whenev-
     when my patients leave my office I want them thinking wow,   er we get sun exposure.  For melanoma it seems to have some
     I have never been treated so well.”  Out of curiosity and not
     wanting to interrupt the flow of our interview, I later went on   connection to bad burns that we got as children, since babies
     the internet to research what this book was all about and it   and children don’t have the protective thick skin yet.
     helped me better understand Dr. Larson. The concept of the   Does Eye Color Matter? Surprisingly yes, blue eyed individuals
     book is…Why rely on random acts of kindness when you   are more susceptible to skin cancer.  Also, if you are in England
     can intentionally show kindness and help to make some-
     one’s day.  This is such a true representation of the bubbly   and drive on the left side of the street you are more likely to get
     personality of Dr. Larson.                          cancer on right side of your body. In the US you are more likely
     When asked if her dream turned out as she had imagined,   to get cancer on the left side of the body since dangerous rays
     she couldn’t have given a better answer.  “It turned out bet-  can travel through car windows.
     ter than I dreamed.  I honestly would pay to go to work.”
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