Page 30 - Sandy Jackman Pantai Hotel
P. 30

Transitions with Carol LeBeau

                                                      Green Flash

                                           I’m ashamed to     faded and I finally stopped trying.
                                           admit it, but I was a   Well, guess what happened when I least expected it?   Like a gift from
                                           “green flash” denier   God, the green flash revealed itself…and today, I’m a believer!    It
                                           for years.  Oh, I’d   happened a couple of months ago when my friend, Vicki and I decided
                                           heard tales of the   to take her sweet terrier mix for a walk.  Vicki suggested a stroll along
                                           optical phenom-    Sunset Cliffs.   It was late afternoon…cool and clear…a classic San
                                           enon…the brilliant   Diego early summer day.
                                           flash of green
                                           that occurs as the   Vicki, Buddy and I hiked nearly two hours along the coastal cliffs south
                                           sun sets over the   of Ocean Beach.  Named for its exquisite sunset vistas, Sunset Cliffs
                                           ocean… since mov-  encompasses nearly 70 acres of bluffs and walking paths high above
                                           ing to San Diego in   the Pacific Ocean.  As luck would have it, we completed our walk just
                                           1981.              as the sun was disappearing in the west.

                                            Many confirmed    The sky was clear… horizon unobstructed…conditions perfect for an
                                           reports and trusted   appearance by the elusive flash of green.  As we gazed at the sinking
                                           friends have testified   sun, Vicki (a believer from several personal sightings!) said quietly,
                                           to the existence   “Keep watching.”   And just as the sun slipped below the horizon, I
                                           of the green flash.    saw it… an unmistakable ray of green shot up from the sunset point…
                                           Even Wikipedia     then disappeared.  For a moment I didn’t move - didn’t breathe.
                                           believes…calling the
                                           atmospheric event   When I could finally inhale again, I turned to Vicki and did something
                                           “a green spot visible   akin to a “happy dance.”  Then (and equally troubling to onlookers)
                                           for no more than a   came a pathetic fist pump and high-five with Vicki.   As we headed
                                           second or two just   back to the car, she pretended not to know me, but I didn’t care.  We’d
      above the sun as it sets.”  It’s just that I’d never seen the green for   just seen something extraordinary.
                                                              Overwhelmed by a deep sense of amazement I thanked God for
 30   It’s not for lack of trying.   From Ocean Beach, La Jolla Shores and   magical moments and the beauty of a sunset.  We live in paradise,
      Coronado, I’ve stared…afraid to blink…waiting for the sun to sink
      in the west so I could get a peek at the rumored flash of green.  I’ve
      even watched from the patio of the Pacific Beach restaurant named    And the green flash?  It’s for real!
      for the famous phenomenon… hopes dashed once again when the
      green flash was a no-show.   Over the years, my faith in the flash

          Notes to Our Sons & Daughters-                                              My Sister’s Voice

     A photographic exhibit with over 450 guests in attendance was held for the benefit of the Center for Community Solutions
     (CCS). The stories of these women were of their strength and courage.  The stunning black and white photographs were cap-
     tured by local photographer Pablo Mason and under the creative eye of visionary Alexis Dixon. For more information visit http://  For more information on the Center for Community Solutions visit their site at

                                                           Pablo Mason - Local Photographer & Alexis Dixon -
                                                               Project Creator and Visionary Director

                              Photos courtesy of Alexis Dixon/Photography by Lauren Radack
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