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He Said, She Said

                                                                                               Photos by Lisa K. Miller

                                 Are Men really from Mars and Women from Venus, as author Dr. John Gray
                                  states in his bestselling book? Do men and women really see things that
                                  differently? If given the same question could their answers really be so
                                  different? At San Diego Woman we wanted to explore the differences be-
                                 tween "them" and "us". Read this month's installment and find out how the
                                 sexes differ when it comes to communicating with each other.  What topics
                                      would you like to see us duke it out over in upcoming issues?
                                                No topic is off limits, so write me at
                              I can't wait to hear from you!

         In years past we’ve covered much of the male/female condition in
         this column. What never ceases to amaze is that there’s always   Let me preface this response by saying that just in the matter of full disclo-
         something new in that chasm between the man/woman paradigms   sure there is only one group of women who have absolutely no problem
         on every front.  Summer always brings a new set of head-slapping-  putting on a bathing suit for a day at the beach with their friends or acquain-
         knot-in-the-stomach situations that defy logic.  Men, unless you’re at   tances.  Who are they? They are a very select group known as “The Sports
         a BMI of 18 or less DON’T WEAR SPEEDOS!  Seriously, you have   Illustrated Swim Suit Models.” For the rest of the women out there, it is a
         so many other choices. Why embarrass your wife and her friends and   constant course of severe distress and sometimes even utter panic.
         scare complete strangers. This is our biggest mistake in going to the   The retailers definitely don’t make it any easier bringing bathing suits out
         beach.  All other sober behaviors are well within reason of the male   in February. Not to mention the fact that living in Sunny San Diego doesn’t
         spectrum of silliness.                                even give a girl a chance to layer up with shirts, coats and jackets to hide
                                                               some extra winter weight. We don’t even get the winter weight break! So go
         However, you ladies add layers to this relatively simple process that   easy on us.
         don’t exist in any parallel universe (and we men are losing our hair   When you men decide it is time for a friendly beach gathering with the
         and going grey as this spectrum widens).  New lines of swimsuits   “crowd,” and it is always the men who make this decision (because women
         start filling the racks as early as February. Why, oh lord, why do you   will always pick a restaurant or a nice dark movie) we are traumatized.  All
         still not have an outfit (literally a wardrobe) for the beach picked   we can visualize are the bodies of the other women who will be attending
         out on the day before us and thirty of our closest friends descend   and where on the ‘fat zone’ scale we fit.  If we are lucky enough to be one
         on Moonlight Beach for sun, fun, and food. It’s five in the afternoon   of the smaller wives in the group the stress degree is lower, but still there
         (again, the day before you need it) and you’re still looking at online   is stress since we will never be the smallest woman on the beach:  There
         catalogs “for ideas.”  At six you get into the car and wonder why we   may be one of “The Sports Illustrated Swim Suit Models” parading around.  San Diego  Woman
         don’t want anything to do with your mission.          Some women will tell you that we are conscious of how we look for the
                                                               men in the group, others will insist it is for the women.  I truly think it is
         So we’re sitting in the swimsuit section of Kohl’s – we meaning three   how we feel we look to ourselves in the mirror.  The mirror is definitely
         forlorn guys with the same deer in the headlights gaze - and out you   our greatest enemy, unless of course you are from that group, yes, “The
         march, for the tenth time, and ask what I think.  The other men have   Sports Illustrated Swim Suit Models Group.” To this day I will swear, hand   29
         averted their eyes so they don’t have to be dragged into the fray or   on bible, that there are “special” mirrors in the try-on rooms in the bathing
         are pretending to talk on their cells. And I, hunter/gatherer from the   suit departments of major retailers.  Because there is no way that I would
         wilds of Wyoming, have to conjure a reply. And I can never, ever   ever select that horrendous bathing suit if it looked the same way in the
         say, “But I thought this season was all about one piece suits.” This   store that it does in the mirror at home.  Maybe it’s the lighting, no I think it
         is Dante’s Inferno level six. I can’t say it looks great because you’ll   is those circus mirrors.  Perhaps, I should get the hint when I appear to be
         storm back into your changing room and look in the mirror until you   about 6’ 4” when I am barely 5’4”.  Well in any event, bathing suits are a
         can’t stand what you see.  Then it starts again.  Kohl’s, Macys, Nor-  nightmare and as a man, more importantly, as a husband, you need to be
         dies, Target, Ross, and its nine thirty and the cleaning crew and one   understanding and patient with us, or be smart enough to never ever again
         cashier are the only ones left.  Here comes the line that renders men   suggest a beach event.  The only way we might consider it is if you want to
         completely and utterly speechless:  “I think, I don’t know, but I THINK   take us to a beach on a tropical island where we will never again see the
         I liked that first one at Macys. I wonder what time they open in the   people on the beach.
         morning.” This is when the cold sweats begin.         Having said that, let’s get back to the Speedo issue.  I was a sweet in-
                                                               nocent 17 year old when I was first blinded by the site of a Speedo.  It is as
         When the party begins and the burgers and dogs are cooking, all   if it was yesterday; an image forever branded into my memory.  My friend
         the men are standing around telling each other how they look like   Kathy and I were on our first vacation together.  We saved all year to take
         death warmed over.  Eight out of ten of the men had been through   a cruise and the crew on the ship were all from Italy.  At the first port of
         the same thing last night, kindred spirits lounging in the nevernever-  call a lot of the crew was given the day off to enjoy the beautiful Bermuda
         land of the waiting area of the changing rooms. The women are all   beaches.  With our beach bags in hand, Kathy and I set our feet upon
         comparing notes and complaining how they can’t find a thing to wear.   the pink Bermuda sand and came face to face with a beach full of Italian
         Worst case scenario is two of you are wearing the same thing.    speaking volley ball playing Speedo clad men of varying ages and sizes.
                                                               Yes, all sizes.  Even the 300+ pound chef was wearing a speedo…or at
         I know we men have it easy. Yea!  But, really, does it take that long   least what we could see of it.  Apparently, in Europe at that time there was
         to find a bathing suit that you’re only going to cover up with layers of   no other choice in men’s bathing suit attire.  I must agree a Speedo should
         flimsy flowing things (I really don’t know what to call them) and home   only be worn on the diving platforms of the summer Olympic Games by
         in on the footwear of the other ladies. If it takes a man ten minutes   those attempting to win a Gold, Silver or Bronze Metal.
         to find a suit and a woman three hours – we get it and allow for it.    So let’s make a pact.  No more complaining about it taking us two weeks
         But if you’ve got to hit half a dozen stores and then start looking for   or more to pick out the perfect bathing suit, especially when you make the
         something to put on your feet for your one trek a year to the beach,   plans for a trip to the beach in the first place, and we promise to never pull
         there’s so much more wrong here than the ability to make a decision.   out those pictures we have of you guys in your speedos, posing, when you
         And this is only for beachwear. There’s a whole other universe during   all thought it was the fashionable way to go!
         the year where we go through the same thing.  Again – the greying
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