Page 23 - Sandy Jackman Pantai Hotel
P. 23

Who Rules the Home?

 By Jim Mutton  Glamping…The New Camping

                                                                                                  By Eva Starr

       Glamping, otherwise known as glamorous-camping, has been
       around longer than before The Real Housewives of Orange County
       brought it to fame in April of 2012. Glamping can be traced to the
       Victorian era when big game hunting was all the fashion. Safari
       tents and Bell tents were extensively used across Africa and India
       with servants to look after your every need.
       The modern-day El Capitan Canyon (http://www.elcapitancanyon.
       com/) Resort began as a rustic private campground in 1970 on a
       300-acre site directly across from El Capitan State Beach, before
       being re-opened in May 2001 as a Glamping-Resort. Choose
       between rustic log cabins, canvas tents on wood platforms or your
       round communal style Yurt.

       El Capitan Canyon, where the Real Housewives and myself
       camped, is a mere 20 miles north of Santa Barbara. Located in a
       seaside pocket on 300 plus acres on the picturesque Pacific coast,
       the nature lodging experience at El Capitan Canyon was created
       for those who have the desire to totally unwind, relax and commune
       with nature.
                                                                                         east-coast wood because I used
       Let’s be clear, the housewives                                                    almost a whole bag of newspa-
       of orange county glamped there                                                    pers and the only thing on fire was
       in 2001, I went for a three-day                                                   my blood pressure. The next two
       birthday retreat a few days ago -                                                 nights, I surrendered and bought
       for my 59th birthday. I’m saving                                                  fire starters from the campground
       my 60th for Italy, Paolo Maldini                                                  store: The campground market has   San Diego  Woman
       and me.                                                                           everything already packaged in kits
                                                                                         for you. Convenient, but $50 for a
       I did my research and read the                                                    hot-dog kit for two?  For that price I
       yelp reviews so I could get a feel                                                could buy stock in Oscar Mayer.   23
       for what to expect and  to bring.
       I did call the El Capitan desk five                                               One morning I decided to venture
       to six times before my trip asking                                                out on one of the trails and see
       every question under the sun.                                                     nature at its best. What I did see
       Once you’re in the woods and a                                                    was two deer, a squirrel and a big
       four-hour drive from home, you                                                    sign posted at one point on the trail:
       don’t want to take any chances.                                                   WARNING: A juvenile mountain lion
       Unless of course you’re Vicki                                                     has been spotted proceed with cau-
       Gunvalson, and then you’d prob-                          tion. Even though I’m a roughing it camper from way back, where
       ably have an entourage to handle the details.            there’s a Jr., there’s a Papa. No thanks, I’ll stick to seeing a squirrel
                                                                here and there and head back to the cabin. On the way back I
       I booked a cabin near the creek; of course I knew the creek would   did come across a strange looking piece of art tucked away in the
       be dried out. What can I say I’m from Ohio? I wanted the feeling   woods called The Nest, which was my ‘find’ of the hike.
       of being by some sort of water, dried out or not. The cabin was
       knotty pine, with a big double bed, and a loft for the kids, (of which   From El Capitan you’re a ten-minute walk from the beach, which is
       mine are grown and still in Ohio). There’s a stand-up shower, a   known for its tide pools and marine life. I did get a glimpse of a real
       mini-fridge and a microwave. I brought my own dishes, a wine   live starfish attached to a rock, which was the thrill of my trip, run-
       glass, and a corkscrew, the most important items. After all I was   ning a close second to drinking Frances Coppola’s Petit Syrah with
       celebrating my birthday. I bought wine and champagne, just in case   my turkey dogs on a half-lit fire. I guess the fire and I had some-
       I couldn’t decide which I should pair with the turkey dogs or the   thing in common.
                                                                Glamping is worldwide, and has really taken off in England, Wales,
       I bought firewood from Home Depot in town before I left but they   France and Portugal. As for the US there are 397 Glamping places
       were out of fire-starters. No problem, I have a neighbor who has a   to choose from. Be sure to do your homework and make it a family
       ton of newspapers that should do it. I’m a camper from way back.   affair. In the meantime, I’ll wait for Italy and Maldini.
       When my kids were young we camped on the ground with no elec-
       tricity, running water or any of the extras; I can surely light a fire.
       Little did I know California wood must be different from mid-west or
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