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Letters to theEditor
Thank you for introducing me to my now favorite Greek Restaurant. Meze in the fun group and I can’t wait to see them live. Is there any way you can post their upcom-
Gaslamp not only has the best variety of Greek food, but the attention to detail and ing schedule on your website or in your next issue. I am sure your readers would love
gracious staff makes every visit an amazing experience. to support these talented women.
Mari from San Diego Barbara from Poway
Reading the article by Ms. Storms on Huey Lewis & The News brought me back in time. Thank you for informing your readers about Lotus Rain Naturopathic Clinic. I have
I have always been such a big fan. I was at their concert and it was wonderful. Thanks believed in Naturopathic medicine for many years and I have heard from friends that
for reminding us older folks that our favorite groups are still around and doing well. their health has improved greatly after using this type of medicine. I have decided to
Frank from Oceanside give it a try myself and I will be making an appointment
Frances from Solana Beach
There are times when I felt like everything I do is wrong when it comes to playing the
role of “Sports Mom.” Reading your article helped me feel like I was doing an okay job Kudos to Jaime! There are those of us out there who have agendas that don’t include
at it. Being a single mom, I tend to overcompensate with my two boys. My ex seems to having a grandiose wedding. Some of us care more about getting educated and mak-
think that he should be the only one who takes the boys to their games, but I disagree. ing a difference in the world. When I was in my twenties my parents started pushing
About a year ago, I insisted that we split the task and I truly believe that my boys are me to date and find the right man to spend my life with. I was more interested in my
happier that we both get to see them perform in their games. I wish things could be studies than parties and dating. When I was in my thirties I was more interested in
different and we could get along well enough to be there together at their games, but advancing in my career. When I was in my forties I decided that it was time to date, but
for now at least, the boys know that we both care. Thanks for sharing this informative I still didn’t want to be married. So I found a great man, who was a great companion
article with your readers. and I enjoyed his company, when I wanted to. Now I am in my fifties and give a lot
Leslie from Encinitas of my time to local charities. I help foster children and have great friends both male
and female. I don’t feel like I missed out. If women want a man, than by all means
It was so nice seeing the familiar face of Susan Taylor on your cover. I loved watching they should get married, but no one should ever feel the pressure to do so. Life is an
her for years on the news and reading her touching story about her Dad made me adventure. We should all be allowed to live it as we desire.
feel like I knew her personally. We all have so much in life to be grateful for, and the Anita from Carlsbad
fact that Ms. Taylor has moved into a position where she can help others shows what
a wonderful person she is. So glad her Dad is well and that we have a hospital like I can’t wait to get Karyn Buxxman’s book. I suffered an unexpected heart attack at the
Scripps in San Diego. age of 43. I never even knew women got heart attacks, my husband used to kid that
Connie from La Jolla women only gave heart attacks. But, it snuck up on me and I learned to live my life
differently. Lower the stress and LAUGH more. Karyn is so right. For anyone with any
Way to go Saxations! What a cool group. These women have set the stage for women illness. Laughter makes it all better. Even if it doesn’t, it makes the journey less painful.
everywhere. It is so amazing that Dr. Vidal, who is a Chiropractor by day, decided to Ellen from Mira Mesa
explore a lifelong interest and start an all-female saxophone band. They seem like a
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