Page 42 - Dr Pamela Peeke
P. 42
Dreams Rebuilt
There are those individuals who talk about doing good for Magazine, Jay’s firm has always lived up to a level of excel-
their community and giving back, and then there are those lence exceeding industry standards and expectations. Jay’s
who actually make it part of their life’s mission to do so. This list of memberships and civic organizations is extensive serv-
is the case with Jay Riordan and his firm Dream Design ing as Chairman of the Board of the San Diego Chapter of
Builders. the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI),
It was during the October wildfires back in 2007 that dreams President of the Rancho Bernardo Community Council,
turned into nightmares for many residents of San Diego, member of Community Response Team (CERT), member of
particularly in Rancho Bernardo, Jay’s home town. On the Sunrise Rotary of Rancho Bernardo, Board member of
October 22 of 2007 Jay, his wife and two sons faced the the Poway Center for the Performing Arts and Member of the
worst nightmare imaginable as they were forced to leave San Diego North Chamber of Commerce. Just one day be-
their home with only the clothes on their back and a few fore his own home burned to the ground Jay was in Tijuana
prized scrapbooks. The fast moving firestorm hit their home building a home for the needy with his Rancho Bernardo
so quickly that there was no time for them to grab all of their Rotary.
precious memories before fleeing. It was actually the family In the midst of tragedy Jay stepped up to the plate helping
cat, who was responsible for awakening them to the fact that to rebuild many neighboring homes in Rancho Bernardo.
their neighborhood was in flames. In the midst of chaos, Knowing personally the process involved for these families
Jay managed to run from house to house pounding on who suffered the same loss as Jay, he had made it part of
doors, in the hopes of awakening sleeping neighbors. A fact his mission to make the rebuild as painless as possible for
in itself that makes Jay one of the many unsung heroes that neighbors who dealt with of emotions including grief, and
surfaced in the light of such tragedy. anger at their lot in life. Jay also had a few surprises along
Jay’s firm, Dream Design Builders has been a landmark cus- the way while going through the process, he was lucky
tom design and remodeling firm since 1987. Named one of enough to find his wedding band among the ashes.
the top 2007 big 50 Remodelers in the U.S. by Remodeling
Issue 2, 2009