Page 47 - Dr Pamela Peeke
P. 47

"Five Letter Words"
 Woman  When I saw the return address, I cringed. It was my reminder to   start my metabolism and help in the dreaded weight loss battle.
                                    Twenty Five / Twenty Five

                      25 years old with 25 years of experience

                                                                                           By:  Cynthia  Burton

                                                                Marilyn Monroe was a size 14; thank you Norma Jean for providing
       make an appointment for my annual well woman examination, this
                                                                those of us who are curvy (and were at birth a size 14) with realistic
       year was going to be different.
                                                                expectations of womanhood, although Barbie is also fifty.
       When did I go from worrying about four letter words to five letter
       words? Raising my children I was always conscious of their fasci-  It is good to be Queen, but when did I go from princess status to
       nation with their body parts and how they worked; now I face the   Queen? Princess implies youthfulness; having time to worry about
       responsibility of making sure my body parts continue to work. We   the tiara staying in position. Questioning, which ensemble should
       all know the childish laughter produced by a bout of flatulence or its   be worn with the brightly colored, patterned, two piece bathing suit
       four letter equivalent. Now at twenty-five years old with twenty-five   that so delicately outlines a perky body, and the flawless, waxed,
       years of experience, I need to worry about five letter words.   shaved, skin as it glistens in the sunlight. The appropriate hairstyle,
                                                                nail color and makeup for an outdoor activity, and, of course, which
        Fifty is a new five letter word for me. So is aging, teeth (keep-  bracelet, shoes and handbag should be worn.  Queen denotes age,
       ing them), flash (as in hot flash), heart (not the proverbial broken   sleep deprivation, corsets or Spanx, not the kind given as a punish-
       heart but now heart health and                                                  ment, but the kind older women use
       the blood supply pumping to                                                      as undergarments to reposition all the
       it), cream (moisturizing, eye,                                                   cellulite so they can wear the dress
       wrinkle, antiaging, dry skin, foot,                                              they wore last summer.
       SPF), fiber and colon.
                                                                                        Queen of my castle does come with
       And should I dare to mention                                                     its privileges; I am honored with over-
       hemorrhoid: A double whammy                                                      seeing the cleanliness of my throne,
       five letter word.                                                                the pressing duty of laundering the
                                                                                        fine linens and of course designing
       Heels, my beautiful sexy stilet-                                                 the nightly menu. After a difficult day
       tos, no longer practical (my                                                     of struggling with the state of my
       health insurance is already                                                      family’s economy, Jenny Craig is an   San Diego
       more expensive than my car                                                       expected dinner guest. The politi-  Woman
       payment), are replaced by new,                                                   cally correct Queen that I am, Jenny
       leather walking shoes.                                                           and my lean husband have nothing
                                                                                        in common, so the menu will have
       If fifty is the new forty, so be it.                                             cuisine for Jenny and me and meat   47
       I will grow my red locks long to                                                 and potatoes for my King.
       please my husband although
       my hairdresser informs me she                                                    Maturity can be beneficial. Mother
       is monitoring my hair loss each                                                  Nature now bequeaths her gift on
       visit.                                                                           the young ones. Father Time does
                                                                                        provide wisdom. Experience is a gift
       If I experience a flash and                                                      money cannot buy. The lessons I
       happen to wipe my face with a                                                    have learned have been expensive;
       napkin that leaves particles of                                                  how thankful I am to not be twenty-
       its recycled paper in the wrinkles                                               five again. I could not afford them.
       of my face, I will handle it with
       grace and dignity.                                                               The day following my first, big screen
                                                                                        debut, I plan to pick up my four-year-
       I will stand erect (another five                                                 old granddaughter. We will have our
       letter word) during my an-                                                       mani-pedis done, prepare a menu
       nual mammogram. I will lovingly,                                                using recipes from her ingredient
       gently, and apologetically hoist my older bosom on to that cold slab,   book, look for bugs in the yard, dress up my poor Pugs in ridiculous
       although mildly irked at the thought of becoming breakfast food at   outfits, who lovingly and instinctively know the laughter produced
       the local pancake house. Though they are non-milk producing, they   by this little jewel is a gift from heaven and whose innocence and
       are not yet candidates for filet mignon.  I am appreciating my new   wonderful whimsical talent is to make bubbles in the bathtub without
       walking shoes and how many miles women have walked in those   the aid of Mr. Bubble. Finally we will do my favorite five letter word
       types of leather walking shoes, to give me the opportunity to still be   - laugh.
       a combo menu item.
                                                                It is good to be twenty-five with twenty-five years of experience.
       I will lie quietly while I undergo that dreaded colonoscopy and hope
       I remember not to use the glitter soap that morning during my show-
       er. On the bright side, void of excess body fluid, maybe it will jump-
                                                  Issue 2, 2009
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