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1-5 Jul—San Diego County Fair                           31 Jul—SummerFest
        San Diego's largest annual event draws more than 1.2 million visitors with   SummerFest is an annual music celebration with   JuLY
        livestock and agricultural exhibits, carnival rides,    renowned orchestras, soloists and chamber music
        concerts, film screenings, dance contests, and flower and garden shows.   ensambles. Various venues throughout La Jolla.
        Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd.,          For information, call 858-459-3724. For tickets, call 858-459-3728. http://
        Del Mar (20 mi/32 km north of San Diego). For information and tickets, call Continues through 23 Aug
        858-755-1161 or 858-793-5555. Concludes 5 Jul
                                                                Throughout July—Major-League Baseball
        4 Jul—Independence Day Public holiday                   The San Diego Padres play regular-season home games at PETCO Park,
                                                                downtown. For information, call 619-795-5000. For tickets, call toll-free
        4 Jul—Coronado Independence Day Celebration             877-374-2784. Season continues through late
        Coronado celebrates the holiday with a 15K run, parade, Navy SEALs   September
        demonstrations and fireworks over Glorietta Bay. For information, call 619-
        437-8788.                                               Throughout July—Musical Broadway
                                                                San Diego presents award-winning popular Broadway musicals at the Civic
        18, 19 Jul—San Diego Pride                              Theatre, Third Avenue and B Street. For information, call 619-564-3000.
        A political rally commemorates the 1969 Stonewall Uprising, and a pride   For tickets, call 619-570-1100, or Ticketmaster at 619-220-8497. http://www.
        parade with more than 200 entries travels down University Avenue. There's Continues through mid March 2010
        also a two-day festival in Balboa Park, 5K run and a commitment ceremony.
        For information, call 619-297-7683.   Throughout July—Theater The Old Globe Theatre is home to many clas-
                                                                sic and contemporary theatrical productions. Balboa Park, 1363 Old Globe
        18, 19 Jul—u.s. open sandcastle Competition             Way. For information, call 619-231-1941. For tickets, call 619-234-5623.
        Professional and amateur teams from around the world create more than Continues through mid August
        40 giant sand sculptures. Seacoast Drive closes for a parade and street fair
        that attracts more than 300,000 visitors with live entertainment, children's   Throughout July—Old Globe Shakespeare Festival The Lowell Davies
        rides, arts-and-crafts exhibits and nearly 150 vendors. Imperial Beach Pier.   Festival Theatre, one of the Globe Theatres, presents a program of works
        For information, call 619-424-6663.  by Shakespeare. 1363 Old Globe Way, Balboa Park. For information, call
                                                                619-231-1941. For tickets, call 619-234-5623.
             Events                           around                                                                   San Diego  Woman
                                                                Continues through 27 Sep

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       Early-Mid August—Theater The Old Globe
       Theatre is home to many classic and contemporary theatrical productions.
       Balboa Park, 1363 Old Globe Way. For information, call 619-231-1941. For            auguSt
       tickets, call 619-234-5623. Concludes mid August

       1-23 Aug—SummerFest                                      Throughout August—Major-League Baseball
       SummerFest is an annual music celebration with renowned orchestras, solo-  The San Diego Padres play regular-season home games at PETCO Park,
       ists and chamber music ensambles. Various venues throughout La Jolla.   downtown. For information, call 619-795-5000. For tickets, call toll-free
       For information, call 858-459-3724. For tickets, call 858-459-3728. http://  877-374-2784. Season continues through late Concludes 23 Aug             September .

       15-31 Aug—Fleet Week Celebrates the U.S. Armed Forces with an air   Throughout August—Old Globe Shakespeare Festival The Lowell
       show, ship parades, golf tournaments, concerts, car racing, fireworks and   Davies Festival Theatre, one of the Globe Theatres, presents a program of
       more at the Port of San Diego and other venues throughout the city. For   works by Shakespeare. 1363 Old Globe Way, Balboa Park. For information,
       information, call 619-858-1546, or toll-free 800-353-3893. http://www.fleet-  call 619-231-1941. For tickets, call 619-234-5623. http://www.theoldglobe. Continues through 21 Oct               org. Continues through 27 Sep

       28, 29 Aug—San Diego Street Scene                        Throughout August—Musical Broadway
       More than 40 rock, rap, funk, hip-hop, indie rock, acid jazz and other musical   San Diego presents award-winning popular Broadway musicals at the Civic
       groups perform on five stages during one of the country's leading urban-  Theatre, Third Avenue and B Street. For information, call 619-564-3000.
       music festivals. Takes place in the streets of East Village (adjacent to Petco   For tickets, call 619-570-1100, or Ticketmaster at 619-220-8497. http://www.
       Park) on 13th and 14th avenues and J, K and L streets. For information, call Continues through mid March 2010
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