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Pamela M. Peeke, MD, MPH, FACP
Known as the “doc who walks the talk”, Dr. Pamela Peeke is an internationally renowned expert and
speaker in women’s health, fitness and nutrition. Dr. Peeke is a Pew Foundation Scholar in Nutrition and
Metabolism, and one of the only physicians in America formally trained in nutrition science. Dr.
Peeke is Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland, and is a Fellow of the San Diego Woman
American College of Physicians. She has been recognized as one of the leading physicians in America
by the Consumers Research Council of America. Dr. Peeke is featured as one of America’s leading
women physicians in the National Institutes of Health Changing Face of Medicine exhibit at the
National Library of Medicine.
The Chief Medical Correspondent for Discovery Health TV, she is featured in the award winning
National Body Challenge series, as well as her Could You Survive? miniseries. Her book, The Join The Fun!
National Body Challenge Success Program for the Whole Family, is the best selling companion
guide to her television and web-based program which is presently followed by over a million American
families. Dr. Peeke is the New York Times bestselling author of Fight Fat after Forty, Body for
Life for Women, and Fit to Live. Fit to Live is the basis for her Discovery miniseries
Could You Survive? In 2008, Dr. Peeke won the Audie Award, the highest distinction The fastest growing magazine in
for her narration of Fit to Live. Her original show pilot was a finalist for the coveted
International Health and Medical Media Freddie Award, considered the highest award for excellence in medical film production. San Diego is in search of
Dr. Peeke is a member of the Maryland Governor’s Council on Fitness, and spokesperson for the American
College of Sports Medicine’s Exercise is Medicine national campaign. Motivated Sales Representatives.
Dr. Peeke broadcasts weekly as health and fitness expert on WTOP FM, the highest rated news show in the San Diego Woman is growing and
Washington DC metro area. Dr. Peeke is a member of Oprah’s O team of medical experts and is a regular
commentator and expert for the Today Show, CNN and the networks, as well as online including WebMD. we are in search of local sales
Dr. Peeke is an author, contributing editor and celebrity blogger to numerous magazines including
O magazine, Prevention, Parade, More, Fitness, and Men’s Health. Dr. Peeke’s wit and passion along
with a mastery of science and medicine have led to her become one of the most requested physician representatives to work on either
speakers in America. Dr. Peeke works with corporate and professional audiences, ranging from
Microsoft, Bath and Body Works, the Young Presidents Organization, to the Cleveland Clinic and the a full or part time basis. Unlimited
Library of Congress.
Dr. Peeke is founder of the Peeke Performance ™ Center, which offers her Lifestyle Management Earning Potential. Call us today
Program guiding clients through the mental and physical transformations of their life journeys. A at 858.454.1999 or 760.738.8700 for
marathoner and mountain climber, Dr. Peeke founded the Peeke Week Retreats where she provides
her Peeke Performers with the opportunity to mentally and physically challenge themselves in magnificent more information.
outdoor destinations including Red Mountain Spa, Miraval, Golden Door and Canyon Ranch. Her
retreats have been featured in Fitness, Prevention and More magazines.
301-407-0467 x111
11140 Rockville Pike, Suite 100, Rockville, MD 20852
San Diego
254 E Grand Avenue, Suite 201
Escondido, CA 92025
La Jolla: 858.454.1999
Escondido: 760.738.8700
Fax: 760.738.8866
Issue 2, 2009