Page 2 - Media Kit San Diego Woman Magazine 2022
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Circulation, Distribution & Demographics

              San Diego Woman Magazine is San Diego and can be found at locations from Downtown San
              Diego to Murrieta and all spots in between.

              Our distribution team works on an advertiser centric distribution system, which means that
              although we are always  found throughout our town, from issue to issue our saturation points
              vary, based on the location and reported reach of our advertisers.  For example, if we have an
              advertiser whose primary business is in Carlsbad, along with our usual distribution throughout
              all of San Diego, we will do an extra spot distribution which doubles our drops in a 5-7mile radius
              of the area of Carlsbad.  We do this based on our interviews with each advertiser when we are
              contracted for advertising.

              People often ask how many readers we have. We are proud to say that we have a print
              readership of 60,000, plus our digital readership of another 40,000+. Our magazines are
              distributed to Doctor’s offices, Hair and Nail Salons, Hospitals, Dentist’s Offices, Libraries,
              Restaurants, Cafes and Coffee Shops, (such as Starbucks,) Hotel Lobbies, Banks and more. Each
              of our Advertisers are also provided enough copies to allow their locations to be a designated
              distribution spots for San Diego Woman.

              The demographic of our readers are primarily ages 30-67, primarily working women in the
              middle to upper income brackets with considerable amounts of disposable income.  They are
              interested in career advancement, family, art, education, travel, relationships, and children up to
              and including those involved in college selection and acceptance.

              They travel an average of 4 times a year for pleasure, and average one to two business trips per
              year as well.  They are married, divorced and single with the majority being married, but
              maintaining their own careers.
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