Page 3 - Media Kit San Diego Woman Magazine 2022
P. 3
Women Of Distinction
Women Of Distinction ( (Special Feature)
Women do amazing things every day. They scale mountains,
swim oceans, win Olympic Gold, but the real heros are the
everyday women who run businesses, take care of families,
and conquer the odds, which are often clearly against them.
At San Diego Woman it is our duty to feature the women of
San Diego and highlight those women who make a difference
every single day. The women who manage businesses while
bandaging scraped knees, build empires while caring for
elderly parents or spend free time giving of themselves to
the hundreds of wonderful charities in our town. These are
our “Women of Distinction.”
This feature allows you to tell the world about what you
have done. What you have accomplished and at the same
time helps motivate other women, allowing them to realize
that they too can accomplish the same, or who knows, even
This feature is an outstanding opportunity to tell the 60K
readers of San Diego Woman Magazine about your product
or services through our print publication. Oh, and let’s not
forget the 40K who access our online Magazine through our
Social Media Networks and Subscription services.
Full Editorial Feature
Digital PDF for Marketing
All for Only $750
(Discounted from $1,500)