Page 4 - Media Kit San Diego Woman Magazine 2022
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The San Diego PINK PAGES
San Diego Woman Magazine proudly announces the arrival of something we have
been wanting to provide for a very long time,"The San Diego PINK PAGES." These are
part of our brand new marketing program. Since our print Magazine is read by over
60k women and our digital publication and online digital directory have a following of
40K, an ad in The San Diego PINK PAGES will give you more visibility for less money
than any other advertising source in San Diego .
About the PINK PAGES
This 12 month membership includes the following:
*One half page advertisement in our print publication for your first
month of membership
*Inclusion in our Online Directory for 12 months
*Inclusion in our Digital Page-turner Magazine, which is archived
*One issue Half page advertisement in our print publication for your first
month of membership
*Up to 100 words to effectively get your message our to our readers.
*Special Member Only Benefits.
All For Just $300
To Find Out More Visit
Tell Them They Can Find You In The PINK PAGES