Page 49 - Rana Sampson Issue (1)
P. 49
Story and Photo
by Kendra Woolley
What San Diego lacks in distinct seasons, it more than makes the middle deems it a personal favorite of mine.
up for in geographical variety. In one day, you can ride the waves Looking to get active? Enjoy the wide open park next to the marina
along the coast of San Diego’s copious sprawling beaches, chase surrounding the shops. Why not fly a kite? Cruise into Kite Flite
tumbleweeds in the heat of the Anzo Borrego desert, or rock climb where you’ll find kites for every occasion, from easy fliers to power
in the evergreen-laced mountains. You can even stroll through a stunt kites. They’ll even let you “fly before you buy”.
tranquil, nautical themed village in the midst of resturant and night- When waterfront dining doesn’t quite cut it, dining over the water
club studded downtown! should do the trick. Get your fix of California cuisine at San Diego
Seem impossible? Far from it. San Diego, California, is home Pier Café as you count the boats sailing in and out of the bay.
to Seaport Village, a 14-acre seaside escape, nestled between Munch on crispy onion rings or spicy fish tacos as the water laps
downtown and San Diego’s harbor. You won’t be hard pressed for below you.
activities or entertainment. Seaport Village has over 60 shops and Just want to enjoy the sights? You’ll find your camera filling up with
restaurants, not to mention grassy parks and lush walkways. scenic views and unusual activities at an exciting pace. Walk along
Explore different cultures as you meander from shop to shop. the waterfront strip and you’ll find a variety of colorful characters,
Whether you’re researching long-lost Scandinavian roots or an eager to sell beaded handmade jewelry or paint your picture in
San Diego Woman
enthusiast of international lifestyles, you’ll find unique Nordic under ten minutes. Have a seat along the seawall and watch the
nicknacks from Finland, Norway, Denmark and Sweden from ap- world go by.
propriately titled, The Little Viking. A trip to Seaport Village, running Animal lovers will squeal with delight as they float along in a bus-
along the glistening San Diego Bay, wouldn’t be complete without turned-boat, the SEAL. Get a gander at the carefree lives of seals
a healthy dose of San Diego flare. You’ll find nautical trinkets and sunning themselves on the barge. Add to the intrigue as your boat
sunshine accessories at Captain’s Cove and Del Sol. rolls out of the water and starts speeding down the road, taking you
Can’t kick your sweet tooth? How about indulging it instead? Let to your next destination.
the aroma of freshly baked cookies sweep you over to Seaport Craving some summer fun any time of the year? Make a point to
Cookie Co., situated in a lighthouse overlooking San Diego Bay. experience all that Seaport Village has to offer. Whether you’re a
Make sure to try a sumptuous snickerdoodle cookie before you local or a first-time tourist, you’re bound to have a convivial adven-
move forth on your Seaport Village journey. The crispiness of the ture in this varied village by the bay in America’s Finest City, no
cinnamon sugar on the outside and the chewy goodness towards matter what your agenda.
March/April 2011