Page 44 - Rana Sampson Issue (1)
P. 44

Two Products to Make Life More Enjoyable for Women

     Being a woman certainly has its perks, but there are times when we wish certain aspects were easier for us.  Thanks to two products
     from Hologic, Inc., we are now able to solve some of the nagging issues that make us a bit jealous of our male counterparts.
     Being an informed woman, I was surprised to hear of these two great procedures.   Somehow I hadn’t known of their existence and
     thought, if I wasn’t aware of them, this might very well be true for other women in San Diego.  So take a few moments to see if either of
     these innovations might make life easier for you.
     Many women struggle with heavy periods that are not only inconvenient and uncomfortable, but often keep us from participating in ac-
     tivities that we would normally enjoy.  About 10 million women suffer from heavy periods, often getting worse in their late 30’s and 40’s.
     Side effects can include nausea, headaches, severe stomach cramps, increased anxiety, depression and moodiness.  Often we miss
     work or social events as a result.
     There is however a simple procedure called NovaSure® Endometrial Ablation.  This is a five minute procedure performed in your physi-
     cian’s office.  It is for women no longer wishing to conceive, but not wanting to go through a major surgical procedure or utilize exten-
     sive hormone treatments.  Studies show that for 90% of women who have had this procedure menstrual bleeding is greatly reduced or
     stopped.  If you are considering this procedure visit their website at and speak with your physician.

                                                                                            Another amazing proce-
                                                                                            dure focuses on women
                                                                                            who are done with child-
                                                                                            bearing and are faced
                                                     SPRING is in the air.                  with decisions regarding
                                                                                            contraception, many
                                                                                            of which are not ideal.
                                                                                            Thanks to a procedure
                                                                                            that can be done in your
                                                Time to BLOSSOM again.                      doctor’s office the choice
                                                                                            becomes easy.  If you
                                                                                            know that you want per-
                                 .                                                          manent contraception but
                         DRUG CO PHARMACY can show you how.                                 do not want hormones,
                                                                                            anesthesia or surgery to
                                   At Drugco Pharmacy, we specialize in helping women feel their best.    accomplish this goal, then
 44                                                                                         Adiana Permanent Con-
           Whether it’s Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, personalized prescription skin care, or filling a   traception may be your
               traditional prescription, at DrugCo Pharmacy you will receive expert, caring service at a great price.  answer.   It is a minimally
                                                                                            invasive procedure that
                                                           Don’t wait - come see us today.   provides protection from
                                                                                            pregnancy. It works by
                                    Don’t let SPRINGTIME pass you by.                       stimulating your body's
                                                                                            own tissue to grow in and
                                                                                            around tiny, soft inserts
                                                                                            (about the size of a grain
                                                                                            of rice) that are placed
                                                                                            inside your fallopian
                                                                                            tubes. Another form of
                                                                                            birth control must be used
                                                                                            for the next three months
                                                                                            following the procedure
                                                                                            while new tissue grows
                                                                                            around the Adiana inserts,
                                                                                            eventually blocking your
                                                                                            fallopian tubes.  At 3
                                                                                            months, a special test is
                                                                                            performed (hysterosalpin-
                                                                                            gogram or HSG) to con-
                                                                                            firm that your tubes are
                                                                                            fully blocked. This test will
                                                                                            ensure that the procedure
                                                                                            has been successful. So
                                                                                            if you are tired of wor-
                                                                                            rying about birth control
                                                                                            this may be your answer.
                                                                                            For more information
                                                                                            visit their website at www.
                                                                                   or speak with
                                                                                            your doctor.
                                                      March/April 2011
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