Page 40 - Rana Sampson Issue (1)
P. 40

I was interviewed by a bunch of children – intelligent, articulate
     “children” obviously in their 20’s and eerily consistent in their ear-  Fast forward to a year later.  Even though The Company was doing
     nestness and competency.  And then, the hiring manager (finally, a   well, the possibility of layoffs had been openly discussed at the
     “grown up”!) – at last I was in the presence of the person I’d spoken   last all-employee meeting -  but that couldn’t possibly apply to me.
     with one time almost five months ago, the silent recipient of my let-  Then, my boss was laid off, almost a year to the day after my start
     ters, notes, powerpoint presentations.  We shook hands and went   date. And a couple months later, I was told my position was elimi-
     into his office for the interview, which was easy and relaxed.  nated. During my decades of working, I never thought I’d be laid off,
                                                             ever, let alone twice in less than two years.
     Yet on the way out I felt a wave of exhaustion and deflation.  I
     reviewed every fumble, every answer that could have been better.    This time, I gave myself permission to take a break.  My days
     On the drive home, the exhaustion slid into total depression.  I was   are spent figuring out which exercise classes to take, at the gym
     sure I’d blown it, sure that the other candidates were more qualified   I loved but had rarely had time to use.  I’m taking extra time with
     and convivial, and I fretted over the hours of work I’d done to get to   my daughter, helping her with dance try-outs and Chemistry.  My
     this point, hours wasted, work pitiful and not good enough.  husband and I have found the time to do things, such as a moon-
                                                             light hike on the bluffs overlooking the beach, where we saw the
     HR called me in the morning.  “We all met to discuss the candi-  reflection of Venus shining as a bright line on the ocean.  I’m able
     dates, and you were the first choice!”  I felt the huge roller-coaster   to spend more time with my parents, to drive them and visit them.
     swing to the top of the arch of euphoria.  And two weeks later, so   Even my daughter’s dog is getting more beach walks and playtime
     happy, I started with the job I wanted, with the company I wanted   at the dog parks!
     and the boss I wanted.  I’d worked hard, and smart, and figured it
     out.                                                    My days are full, and fighting off the twinge of guilt for not jumping
     “There IS life after layoffs,” I said to the job-seekers I knew, and I   into job-search mode, I remind myself that these moments are what
     willingly shared my mantra:  “Be memorable; be persistent.”  And   I’ve worked for, and that to take this time to decompress and enjoy
     I did my best to help the dozens of people who asked me for help   them - this is a good thing.
     with leads, hiring manager names, advice - helping them as so
     many others had helped me.                              There is life – real life – after layoff.

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                                                  March/April 2011
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