Page 42 - Rana Sampson Issue (1)
P. 42

The Healing Power of Music

     When one thinks of an Oncologist it is often with fear and trepida-  tions will provide a wonderfully produced CD of the original song,
     tion, unless the Oncologist is Dr. Steven G. Eisenberg.  Dr. Eisen-  and 50 percent of the donation goes to cancer research for their
     berg takes great pride in his ability to ease the high level of anxiety   particular disease. The website will allow people to become produc-
     faced by patients suffering through a diagnosis of cancer.  Often Dr.   ers and will be a living archive of all the songs (with family permis-
     Eisenberg is the bearer of bad news, having to inform patients that   sion). People can log on and listen to their song and read their lyrics
     they have a potentially life threatening illness.  When he does so, he   anytime.”
     also comforts them with the knowledge that he will do whatever he
     can to work towards a positive outcome.                 “Lastly, I envision a Lyrical Life benefit concert where all the friends
     Dr. Eisenberg’s story was recently covered by NBC news when   and family come together and celebrate life.  We want people to get
     they heard about his unique approach.  One of his patients, Lauren,   how great they are while they are with us. That could make all the
     was a young woman diagnosed with Breast Cancer.  When she first   difference in the world. A world captured in a simple song.”
     came to see him he promised her that he would be with her every   Dr. Eisenberg is a Diplomate, American Osteopathic Board of Inter-
     step of the way on this frightening journey. She says the doctor's   nal Medicine, Medical Oncology and Hematology.  He received his
     compassion helped her                                                         B.A. from Pennsylvania State University.
     get to where she is today –                                                   He attended medical school at the Phila-
     cancer free.                                                                  delphia College of Osteopathic Medicine.
     What makes Dr. Eisenberg                                                      After receiving his doctorate, he complet-
     unique is that he listens to                                                  ed an Internal Medicine Internship and
     his patients.  However, he                                                    Residency at the Philadelphia College of
     takes it one step further:                                                    Osteopathic Medicine Hospital Consor-
     He spends time with his                                                       tium and was named Chief Intern.
     patients, learning all he                                                     Even while training it was obvious that
     can about them and then                                                       Dr. Eisenberg put importance not only
     he writes them a song.                                                        in his medical training, but also took
 42  The songs are not about                                                       interest in  every one of his patients.  He
                                                                                   was the first recipient of the Emanuel
     their medical condition, but
     instead they are about their                                                  Fliegelman, D.O. Humanitarian Award for
     lives.  Focusing on living                                                    the doctor exhibiting highly compassion-
     and not dying is often the                                                    ate care during residency.
     key to emotionally dealing                                                    This compassion has come through in
     with a sometime dismal                                                        yet another way.  In addition to his medi-
     diagnosis. Dr. Eisenberg is                                                   cal practice, which is spread throughout
     the founder of The Lyrical                                                    the North County with offices in Poway,
     Life Foundation which helps                                                   Escondido and Vista, Dr. Eisenberg
     bring the joy of music to                                                     sought out yet another way to spread his
     those who need it most.  As                                                   medical expertise and caring spirit.  Dr.
     Dr. Eisenberg stated, “The                                                    Eisenberg wanted to help patients in the
     Lyrical Life Foundation has                                                   final journey through life.  He researched
     been a dream of mine since                                                    the possible options and found the best
     2005. The mission is that                                                     way for him to do so was to join Light-
     every cancer patient has a                                                    Bridge Hospice and Palliative Care.  He
     song that speaks to their                                                     contacted Jill Mendlen, the founder and
     power and contribution to                                                     CEO, and was soon helping to care for
     the world, the ‘song of their                                                 the patients in Hospice while bringing a
     soul’ if you will. I believe that                                             smile to their faces with his customized
     participating in the creation                                                 songs. Dr. Eisenberg signed on as an
     and then hearing "your                                                        associate medical director for Light-
     song" can greatly contribute                                                  Bridge Hospice. “He brings a clinical skill
     to a better quality of life                                                   and emotional skill that is just amazing,”
     before, during and after cancer treatment. Or even if one decides   said Jill Mendlen, Founder and CEO of LightBridge Hospice. "He's
     not to be treated.  Patients have told me that they experienced a   a true gift."
     deep sense of validation and a peaceful feeling that the song will be   Jill Mendlen and the staff at LightBridge aren’t the only ones to
     heard by their friends and families for a long, long time.”    recognize the dedication and concern Dr. Eisenberg shows.  He
                                                             has recently been nominated for best bedside manner at Tri-City
     Dr. Eisenberg’s vision of what can be accomplished through his   Hospital.
     foundation proves how much he cares about each patient and   I was personally treated to a sample of Dr. Eisenberg’s talents when
     wants them to live on in the hearts and minds of loved ones even   he responded to an email I sent for some additional information in
     after they are gone. “This nonprofit will allow friends and family (and   order to write this article.  I was honored when he shared a bit of his
     anyone) to be ‘record producers’ for their loved ones.  The dona-  talents with me:
                                                     March/April 2011
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