Page 46 - Rana Sampson Issue (1)
P. 46

Dear Dr. Sudi,        Dear Dr. Sudi,
                                                 My girlfriend just had a robotic   I just turned 43. Lately, I have lost the
                                         hysterectomy. What is this type of   desire to have sex with my husband . I
                                         surgery and is it really any better than   love him very much, and I feel guilty
                                         other methods?                      because I know that he misses our
                                         Your girlfriend is a lucky woman! She has   intimacy. Is there something wrong
                                         found the most innovative, least invasive   with me?
                                         way to have a hysterectomy performed.   My dear, welcome to mid-life changes. As
                                         She can expect to experience significantly   women get older, quite often their levels
                                         less pain and blood loss, a lower risk of   of sexual desire and intimacy experience
                                         infection, with a shorter hospital stay and   complex changes that involve the interplay
                                         recovery time than with other methods of   between the body, mind, and spirit. These
                                         hysterectomy.                       changes may take time to understand and
                                         Robotic-assisted surgery, or the da Vinci   adapt to.
                                         System, has been in use since 2007.   As the body ages, it is quite natural for
                                         Although it is often called a “robot,” the da   hormonal fluctuations to become more
                                         Vinci System does not operate on its own;   pronounced and more intense. These
                                         instead, the surgery is performed entirely by   fluctuations may have good and bad
                                         your doctor.                        consequences: a woman may experience
                                         Your surgeon views the surgery through   sexual desire less frequently, but may have
 46                                      a high-definition, three-dimensional,   more intense but possibly less frequent
                                         magnified screen and operates a console that   orgasms.
                                         translates hand movements into smaller,   When the frequency of sexual arousal or
                                         precise movements of the four robotic arms   orgasm decreases, it’s natural to think that
                                         and the tiny instruments they hold.     sexual desire is lost!
                                         This advanced technology allows your   In order to adjust to mid-life changes, it is
                                         doctor to perform complex procedures   important to understand the reason for the
                                         through tiny openings. As a result, you   change. As long as there are no psychosocial
                                         will incur smaller incisions, have minimal   or medical conditions contributing to the
                                         scarring, and may return to your regular   diminished sexual desire, hormonal changes
                                         routine faster than what is usually required   in the body may usually be regulated with
                                         following major surgery. Women who   a regimen involving very small doses of
                                         choose the da Vinci method often have   bioidentical hormones, exercise, and healthy
                                         better overall outcomes and greater   nutrition.
                                         satisfaction with their procedures.   In my practice, I have found that most
                                         The da Vinci System has been used   patients who experience decreased libido are
                                         successfully worldwide in hundreds of   able to easily manage the symptoms. There
                                         thousands of procedures to date. Please   is nothing wrong with you! I believe that
                                         remember that the outcome of any surgery   with appropriate treatment and a healthy
                                         will depend on the surgeon’s technical   lifestyle, every woman may enjoy a healthy
                                         skills and experience. To view a robotic   libido throughout her life.
                                         hysterectomy or to find a da Vinci-trained
                                         surgeon near you, please visit:

                                                  March/April 2011
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