Page 11 - Carol LeBeau
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Upon check in, you are met by an impeccably trained staff tea is then steeped in a beautiful teapot at your table and
that not only check you in, but escort you to your room - a poured through a strainer into your cup by one of the el-
touch that truly made this hotel experience unique. The egantly dressed waiters. A tower of finger sandwiches are
rooms are equally elegant and spacious with beautiful views then brought to your table, followed by an equally large and
of the city. There are 223 rooms, eight magnificent suites attractive tray of pastries plus a parfait of fruit and cream with
and eight handicap accessible rooms. Each room is filled a spoon made out of chocolate cookie wafer. The atten-
with imported European furnishings, soft woven wool carpets tion to detail and beauty makes you pause before elegantly
from Great Britain, large gold inlay desks paired with com- devouring it all, as I did.
plimentary high speed Internet access, combining old world
elegance with modern day comforts.
The location of the Westgate hotel is ideal to take a walk-
The history behind the Westgate hotel is a colorful one. It ing tour of the city or to hop into a cab or pedibike to cruise
is said to have been a dinner conversation between the late around San Diego. The gaslamp with all of its wonderful
President Eisenhower and a local San Diego Financier which restaurants and night life is only a few moments away and
led to the building of this fine hotel. President Eisenhower shopping at Horton Plaza is within walking distance. Come
was complaining about the quality of hotels found in San back to the hotel and enjoy a spa treatment to finish off your
Diego and put C. Arnholt Smith to the challenge of building day of exploring.
a hotel to meet his standards. Built in 1970, the Westgate
San Diego Woman
was patterned after the classic European hotel Palaces The Westgate also offers a host of special events and teams
de Grande Luxe and was the most expensive hotel in the up with some of the best cultural events in San Diego to offer
country. In 1976 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Earl Holding, the own- packages to include many San Diego treasures such as the
ers of Sinclair Oil Corporation and Grand America Hotels San Diego Youth Symphony and Mainly Mozart at Balboa
and Resorts, purchased the Westgate. Mr. Holding has a Park.
long standing reputation for quality and workmanship when it
comes to the properties he owns and operates. If you are in search of a wonderful downtown hotel (which will
turn out to be a once in a lifetime experience) you must plan
As the only hotel in San Diego that can claim its origins in a stay at the Westgate. If you do decide to take me up on my
the mind of a president, the Westgate has continued to offer suggestion try to include a Friday night in your plans since
elements of old world style and grace. As I sat in the lobby they have the most amazing Seafood Soiree on Fridays at Le
of the hotel enjoying “High Tea,” I feltas if I had become one Fontainebleau restaurant, a five star diamond award win-
of the European Aristocrats enjoying my daily ritual. Until ner as the Best Hotel Restaurant. The Soiree includes an
this event I could not actually say that I knew what “High Tea” outstanding piano player, an unlimited buffet of mouthwater-
was, but let me tell you it is wonderful. “High Tea,” is in fact ing dishes, abundant lobster and shrimp, and a dessert table
a fairly substantial meal that includes tea and is served in the complete with a chocolate fountain, which is guaranteed to
late afternoon or early evening. It is a British tradition that ad a few pounds to your hotel stay.
began in the 19th century as a simple early workingman’s
supper. The Westgate Hotel
1055 Second Avenue
Our “High Tea” began with the presentation of an extensive San Diego, California 92101
menu of more teas than I have ever imagined existed. The