Page 6 - Carol LeBeau
P. 6

Letters to theEditor

     I took your magazine with me to the beach today.        our monthly girl’s night out.  Thanks for helping to
     This is the first issue that I have read,  and I am     educate me.
     ecstatic. This is a great magazine!  Your magazine      Kari  from La Jolla
     is a breath of fresh air in a congested industry. Al-
     though, I may be partial as I am a San Diego native.    I was having such a stressful day, unable to con-
     Carrie from San Diego                                   centrate or relax when I picked up your magazine
                                                             at a local Vons.  I have to say it took my mind off of
                                                             my problems for a short time and made me smile.
     I loved the articles in the last issue.  Your cover     I particularly enjoyed your “Glorious Summer” ar-
     story gave me hope.  I have a teenager who has          ticle since I needed some help learning to relax and
     struggled along the way and reading Holly Carney’s  this article helped me to focus.  Thanks for another
     story made me see that we were on the right track       great issue.
     with him.  Thanks for the encouraging words.            Patty  from Del Mar
     Lisa from Oceanside

                                                             I loved your special section on Women of Distinc-
     Congratulations on your awards.  It is so nice to       tion.  There was such a wide range of women in
     see recognition for a great product.  Keep up the       different areas and all of them seemed to make
     wonderful work.  I anxiously await each new issue.      successes of their lives.  It was truly inspirational.
 6   Sandy from Del Mar                                      Seeing what women can accomplish, and do every
                                                             day, makes a young woman (I’m 22) realize that if I
                                                             put my mind to it I can reach my goals too.
     I absolutely loved your He Said/She Said column.  I     Julie from Pacific Beach
     laughed so hard when I read the comments about
     chores versus housework.  I just had to pass on the
     article to my husband who of course agreed with         What inspirational women!  Not only was your cov-
     the He Said part.  Of course that didn’t surprise me,  er story incredible, but so was your special section
     because I totally supported the She Said part.  This    highlighting all of those amazing women.  It’s about
     is a great addition to your magazine.  I can’t wait to   time women receive credit for being successful.
     read the next one.                                      Annie from San Diego
     Leila from Encinitas

     I’ve been to the Westgate Hotel.  It is truly a great
     spot for some wonderful entertainment.  I loved the
     poem and it reminded me that I need to pay another
     visit to this great downtown location.
     Callie from Rancho Bernardo

     I have learned so much from your wine connois-
     seur column.  I felt like such an idiot before since I
     work with a group of women who seem to know so
     much about wines.  After reading this column for
     several months I finally am feeling like I can keep
     up with their conversations when we go out for

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