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Letters to theEditor Paradise In Your own backyard
By Judith A. Habert
There aren’t many parts of my job that I dislike, but now I food for two adults. If you add some kids and airfare into the
have found one that I believe I love more than any of the mix a 10-day vacation could easily top $10,000. And as we
rest. I recently embarked on a journey to locate the best all know most of us in this economy cannot spare an extra
local resorts, spas and casinos to include in an article about $10 grand to give our kids a topic for their “What I did on my
the current trend in our country toward “Staycations.” Since summer vacation essay.”
we happen to live in San Diego, one of the most beautiful
cities in the world, and we are constantly meeting up with Recent research showed that not only was cost an issue, but
tourists who pay thousands of dollars to visit our fine city, it time as well. With a limited amount of “vacation days” why
dawned on me, “Why deal with all of the hassles of airline spend two or more waiting around airports dealing with de-
travel, or pay high gas prices to drive to distant locations lays and flight cancellations. Choosing a local vacation spot
when we truly have paradise in our own backyard?” allows “staycationers” to partake in the favored aspects of
San Diego Woman
the traditional vacation, such things as ordering breakfast in
Vacations are costly no matter how you look at it. In its bed, lounging by the pool or getting your much needed spa
annual summer vacation survey, the American Automo- treatment. In the long run it turns out to be cheaper to check
bile Association reported that the average North American into a high end hotel locally than a mediocre one in an out of
vacation costs $244 per day for two people for lodging and town location since transportations costs are eliminated.
meals. This is only the average with the priciest destination
of Honolulu, costing on average $673.00 a day for room and