Page 20 - Carol LeBeau
P. 20

Touched By Fertile Ground~
                              The Big Island of Hawaii’s Gift of Healing

                                       Photos and Written By: Karen Kripalani

     Over the past few years I have been able to share some
     of my life journeys with                                                                 We had heard that the
     you through this Beauty                                                                   Big Island’s Kilauea
     Everywhere column. I                                                                      Volcano, the most
     have taken you along                                                                      active volcano in the
     with me, not only on trips                                                                world, had started
     and expeditions, but I’ve                                                                 to erupt again. What
     also been blessed to be                                                                   better place to go to
     able to share with you my                                                                 nurture our fertility than
     wedding and honeymoon.                                                                    a sacred island where
     Well, for many people,                                                                    new land is being born
     the natural progression                                                                   every day. Plus, the
     on life’s path is to start                                                                Big Island is known for
     bearing children. I can’t                                                                 its spiritual and healing
     tell you how many times                                                                   grounds. Exactly what
     my husband and I have                                                                     we were seeking.
     heard: “So when are you
     going to get pregnant?” In                                                                A few weeks later
     my mind I was screaming                                                                   we landed in Kona,
     “We are trying already!!!”                                                                excited, open and
                                                                                               ready to soak in the
     Over the last year we                                                                     lush and fruitful vibes
     have tried acupuncture,                                                                   of the area. Relaxation
     EFT (Emotional Freedom                                                                    was our number one
 20  Technique), Basel temping                                                                 doctor-prescribed mis-
                                                                                               sion, so we retreated
     & charting, PH charting,
     massage, Egoscue, nutri-                                                                  to the Kona Village
     tionists, Reiki, meditation,                                                              Resort (www.konavil-
     yoga and even Clomid.                                                            Only about
     But still we weren’t preg-                                                                6 miles north of the
     nant. My husband and I                                                                    airport, it was built
     started talking about the                                                                 on the grounds of an
     possibility of IVF or adop-                                                               ancient Hawaiian fish-
     tion, but also felt strongly                                                              ing village on Kahuwai
     that our bodies were                                                                      Bay. It was the second
     meant to do this work. We                                                                 resort built on the
     were healthy and with all                                                                 island (we figured early
                                                                                               Douglas Kirkland  at
     of the tests performed on                                                                 conception was good
     both of us; there wasn’t                                                                  luck) and it still main-
     a thing that could be                                                                     tains its small-commu-
     found that should have                                                                    nity feel. We stayed in
     been preventing us from                                                                   a Hale, a Polynesian-
     conceiving. So before we                                                                 style thatched-roof hut
     really got serious about more drastic solutions, we decided   built on top of the black lava at the edge of the ocean. We
     to give it one more naturalistic try and went to see an Indian   couldn’t have dreamed for a more perfect, private getaway
     ayruvedic doctor. Not only did he drastically adjust our diets,   for baby-making, and we tucked ourselves away in our little
     he also told us to do whatever we could to reduce stress.   piece of paradise to unwind.

     Since my husband hadn’t taken a vacation in over a year   Not only is this a very romantic destination (the resort even
     we decided that now was the perfect time to take that trip to   reserves May and September for couples only), there are
     Hawaii. Any excuse for a trip is fine by me. And to be told by   so many activities to keep an entire ohana (family) busy for
     a medical professional that I needed to relax?? No need to   weeks. The keiki (kids) program is fantastic. Operating like a
     twist my arm!                                           summer camp, it is any
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