Page 22 - Carol LeBeau
P. 22

Our night went by quickly, but we were on a mission. The   and macadamia groves. The last stop in our journey was to
     next morning we headed east to lush Waimea and around   Keauhou Kona, just south of the airport. We were eager to
     the mighty Mauna Kea volcano (surprisingly covered in   check into the Sheraton Keauhou Bay Resort and Spa.
     snow), down the oceans cliffs, through Hilo to Puna. We
     were kindly invited to visit Barb Fahs’ Hi’iaka’s Healing Herb   ( and throw on our bathing suits
     Garden ( where I attempted to absorb all   to enjoy the beautiful pools and fantastic water slide!  (Are
     of the female nurturing and germination that Barb had cre-  we really ready for children when we are actually just kids
     ated in the natural lava soil.                          ourselves?!?)

     Around the corner is the home of Kumu Dane Silva, founder   We found the food in the Kona area to be outstanding and
     of the Hawaiian Lomilomi Association and owner of Hale Ola   we tried to take in as much  as we could. After all, a baby
     Hawaiian Healing Center ( I was sent to   needs some insulating cushion around a momma’s belly,
     Dane because of his exceptional healing skills. He educated   right?!  We were fortunate enough to happen upon Huggo’s
     me on Lomi Lomi, the Hawaiian style of massage that means  ( in Kailua-Kona. When you walk in you
     “the sacred touch of aloha.” We spoke a lot about fertility and   find yourself directly on the rocks over the waves and sur-
     he emphasized that all good health is maintained through   rounded by ocean everywhere you look.  It’s absolutely
     diet, breath and exercise. He echoed much of what my    beautiful, and the food was insane! The fish was mouthwa-
     ayruvedic doctor had told me about temperature, PH, inflam-  tering and the desserts obscene, but it was sipping a glass

     mation, and stress. Having heard this same information from   of wine while taking in the view that was priceless. We were
     numerous sources made me know in my heart that I was on   also lucky to try out Fujimamas (I really liked the name)
     the right path.                                         Restaurant and Sushi Bar ( Right up
                                                             my alley with their Asian flair and their commitment to sus-
     We said goodbye to Dane and were eager to make it to the   tainable growing ( Jackie Rey’s Ohana
     lava flow before sunset. We checked into the beautifully lush   Grill ( is also a fun and tasty stop along
     Kilauea Lodge ( bed and breakfast,   the Kuakini Highway with casual continental Hawaiian cui-
     and ventured on to see the sights.  Kilauea Volcano is the   sine.
     largest and most active volcano on the planet and home to
     the Hawaiian volcano goddess, Pele. This was one goddess   When we weren’t eating in our final days on the Big Island,
     that I really wanted to get to know. After all, this beautiful is-  we were sitting in awe watching the manta rays feed each
     land is her baby and she has constantly been giving birth for   night in front of our hotel or relaxing at the Sheraton Ho’ola
     millions of years. We stood at the ocean’s edge and watched   Spa (alright, so I had to go in for one last Lomi Lomi ses-
     two lava flows cascading into the water, starring into the   sion!) We spent a day out in the ocean with Phillipa Christian
     flames and flow as it oozed and spattered and poured over   ( swimming with the wild dolphins
 22  the cliffs. It was a treasure and honor to be able to witness   right off the coast. Each morning we’d watch Fair Wind
     earth being born.
                                                             Cruises ( pass by our window taking
                                                             snorkelers for a day of adventure in Kealakekua Bay. And
     After a delightful breakfast at Kilauea Lodge I decided to   each night I would quote the children’s book, “Goodnight
     treat myself to a Lomi Lomi session before our day’s outing. I   Moon,” as we took in the sunset view from our room…..
     had been introduced to Lomi Lomi practitioner and hula god-  Goodnight Sun, goodnight dolphins, goodnight ocean.
     dess, Suzanne Kamaluhia Woolley ( and
     an instant bond was formed. Suzanne had a similar story to   By the time our stay was complete, we had made it all the
     my own in that she had been trying for a few years, through   way around the Big Island and I felt infused with birthing
     every means imaginable, to conceive. When I walked      energy! The power of this sacred land was bound to help the
     through her door she was 5 months pregnant!! Another light   baby-making magic along.
     bulb went off inside my head when she told me she achieved
     success through an ayruvedic diet and ‘Opu Huli, a Lomi   I am so grateful and overjoyed to end this story with our
     Lomi technique where the stomach is massaged to reset the   good news. As I write this I am 20 weeks pregnant! The Big
     positioning of the uterus. I needed no more convincing and   Island of Hawaii really did deliver its gift of healing. I want to
     knew that my first priority when I got home was to charge   thank all of you for your kind thoughts and prayers as we’ve
     forward with my new diet!                               taken this journey. And I invite you to share your own fertility
                                                             stories with me.
     After having my “stomach turned” I joined my husband and
     we allotted the rest of the day to exploring the crater at the   Please feel free to write to me at:
     Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (www.hawaii.volcanoes. with your tales of successes and We took in the views of the gases burst-  failures, joys and disappointments as you’ve traveled down
     ing from the gaping caldera and smelled the sulfur venting   the fertility road.
     from the banks. It was one of the highlights of our trip and a
     “must-see” in one’s lifetime!                           O ka maluhia no me oe (may peace be with you)!
     Completing our loop of the island we made our way back
     down the mountain, past black sand beaches frequented by
     turtles, farmer’s selling their goods by the side of the road
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