Page 28 - Carol LeBeau
P. 28
Traveling With Teens
By Diane Garner (
AloooooooooHA! ing. Allow plenty of time for this outing as the travel time is
significant. From Kahului (near the airport) to the summit is
Yes, I’m still writing about Hawaii; but now, we’re island-hop- about 1.5 hours. If you’re staying in the more popular tourist
ping. And yes, people will still embarrass your teenager with areas of Lahaina or Kaanapali, it’s even longer. The Park is
the exaggerated pronunciation of the native greeting when open all year, 24/7, except for weather closures. Watching
you visit Maui and the island of Hawaii, aka The Big Island . the sunrise from the summit is described as an incredibly
inspirational experience, but I wish you luck getting your teen
My family loves the islands of Maui and Hawaii because of up early enough to see it. We never have.
the diversity between the
two. A lot of that diversity is a Molokini Crater is of-
direct result of the difference ten described as one
in the age of the islands of the world’s most
with Hawaii being the much popular and exotic
younger landmass. One has snorkeling and div-
only to compare the dormant ing sites. Actually an
Haleakala volcano on Maui eroded volcanic cin-
to the active Kilauea volcano der cone, the crater is
on Hawaii to appreciate the located approximately
significance of these differ- three miles off Maui
ences. Every day, Kilauea and is accessible only
continues to create more by boat. Many tours
Hawaii. visit this location and
also make a stop
28 But what does this mean in where you can snor-
terms of vacationing with kel with sea turtles.
your teenager? Nothing less Molokini was one of
than two totally fascinating our best snorkeling
experiences. experiences. How-
ever, I should caution
you that it might be
Maui too intense for a teen
who is a beginner.
Exploring Haleakala Na- Unlike Hanauma Bay
tional Park is sure to be a on Oahu (see July/
hit. From the first time my August 2008 issue)
husband and I visited during where the snorkeling
our B.C. (Before Children) is easy, Molokini can
years to the last time with be intimidating. The
two teenagers, the Haleaka- difficulty is a result of
la experience has been awe- three main factors.
inspiring. Thankfully, our Boat access: You
teens reacted the same way, can’t walk in from the
although they said, “Awe- beach, and there is no
some!” Think moonscape. To place to put your feet
us, the crater at the summit up if you get tired.
looks like the Moon: Stark
and barren. And silence Depth: Visibility often
beyond description. Awe- reaches 100 feet, but
some! Your visit can be as knowing you can’t
strenuous or relaxed as you wish. The park offers numerous see the bottom can be alarming. Sea life: Rays and sharks
choices: simply view the summit from the visitor center, take swimming below you can bring on a panic attack.
a short easy walk into the cinder desert landscape, venture
out for a part or full-day hike, or even enjoy overnight camp-