Page 29 - Carol LeBeau
P. 29

The Iao Needle and Hana are definitely yawns for teenagers.   ed near the rim of the Kilauea caldera, the hotel offers spec-
       The Iao Needle offers a lush, serene experience that parents   tacular views from most rooms and the restaurant. Imagine
       might appreciate if they need a break and feel comfortable   the thrill of waking up to find a steaming volcano beyond your
       leaving the kids at the hotel. Hana may be only 52 miles   window!
       from the airport, but it takes light-years to get there. All right,
       seriously, it takes two to four hours on a narrow, winding road  Generally, The Big Island is not known for great swimming or
       with over 500 sharp curves and over 50 single-lane bridges.   surfing beaches. Much of the coastline is jagged and rocky.
       Don’t be persuaded by ads calling it one of the most popular   Blame it on age. Be patient. Give the youngster a few more
       day trips on Maui. Obviously, those people have never driven   million years to grind that lava rock down into sand. A must-
       to Hana with a teen whining in the backseat at every curve.   see is Punaluu Black Sand Beach. Not only is the black sand
       Even if you make it to the tiny town with your sanity intact,   almost iridescent, sea turtles are frequent visitors. If you’re
       you have to drive back the same way you came. All I can say   staying in the Kailua-Kona area, this beach makes a wonder-
       is that if you make the mistake of doing it once, you’ll never   ful picnic spot on your way to or from the National Park.
       do it again.
                                                                Many of the resorts near Kailua-Kona or Hilo offer exciting
       Maui offers  myriad accommodations. We have always pre-  activities that will appeal to your teenager. My first choice
       ferred to stay in the Lahaina/Kaanapali area. Touristy -yes.   would be the Dolphin Quest at the Hilton Waikoloa Village.
       Teen pleasing - absolutely. Pricey—you betcha! After you   (Nope, no kickback here either.) You don’t have to be a
       choose an area, you also have a choice of hotels, resorts, or   Hilton guest to participate. I never met a teen who wasn’t
       condos. The condo approach works especially well if you’re   fascinated by dolphins, and the chance to interact with one
       feeding a teenage boy. Nothing is cheap in Hawaii, but hav-  can create a lifelong memory.
       ing a kitchen does at least help with the cost of eating. And
       instant food/drink gratification can save a lot of teen ATTI-  So, have a fabulous Hawaiian vacation with your teenager.
       TUDE. Our favorite resort was The Westin Maui. (No, I don’t   Enjoy the unique atmosphere of each island and remember
       get a kickback. I wish!) Your teen will love the 87,000-square-  to say, “AloooooooooHA!” Just to annoy your teen, of course.
       foot pool area, which includes several pools, water slides,
       waterfalls, a grotto, and a hidden whirlpool. My husband and   P. S.
       teenage son took a beginner scuba lesson right in the hotel   I would love to hear from you, at the above e-mail address,
       pool. Afterward, the instructors led the group on a dive just   about all of your travel experiences with your teens. Give me
       offshore from the hotel. The underwater pictures of the two of  some helpful tips to pass along to other parents of teens.
       them in full scuba gear are awesome.                     Tell me about your best trip and your worst, but especially
                                                                explain why the trips turned out that way. Tell me your ideas,
                                                                gimmicks, threats, punishments, or anything that might help   San Diego
       The Big Island                                           the poor parent who is dreading a family trip with a teenager.   Woman
                                                                Together, we may save a parent’s sanity!
       Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is the main attraction on
       the island of Hawaii. For most of us, including your teen, this   So, until next time, keep traveling with your teens!  29
       will be the closest we ever get to an active volcano. Speak-
       ing of active, in March 2008 a new gas-emitting vent opened
       in the Halemaumau Crater inside the Kilauea caldera. This
       volcanic activity has forced the closure of some roads, trails,
       and areas. The status of the activity and related closures
       can be monitored on the National Park and
       USGS websites. Unfortunately, the trails to
       and across the Kilauea caldera are cur-
       rently closed, but there are plenty of other
       fascinating areas in the Park to explore.
       Hiking on black, hardened lava with steam
       and the smell of sulfur swirling around is
       an unforgettable experience. Although now
       the caldera (a large crater in a volcano,
       caused by a major eruption followed by
       the collapse of the volcanic pipe walls that
       form the volcano's cone. It may later con-
       tain a lake.)  will have to be viewed from a
       safe distance, it is definitely a worthwhile
       and memorable site to visit. If you’re lucky,
       you might even see a minor eruption or
       feel a sharp earthquake. That would give
       your teen a great tale to share. If you plan
       to spend a few days exploring the Park,
       Volcano House is the place to stay. Locat-
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