Page 34 - Carol LeBeau
P. 34

The Wine Connoisseur

                                         What is in a name?

                                                                                          By Deborah Damery Lazear, CSW

     “What is in a name?  That which we call a rose by any other   Shiraz in honor of the Persian city where it was thought to
     name would smell as sweet.”  Shakespeare                hail from.  Now you know.  The Australians continue to call it
                                                             Shiraz none the less. Fine, just so long as you know it is the
     And so too does the viniferous grape Syrah, also know as   same grape as Syrah.
     Shiraz.  This grape
     has become the                                                                      The comparison between
     darling of the red                                                                  Syrah and Shiraz stops at
     wine drinking scene                                                                 the name, however.  The two
     and has a special                                                                   taste distinctly different. Let’s
     invitation to each                                                                  travel around the world to un-
     and every barbeque                                                                  derstand what you are picking
     this summer.  Even                                                                  up in the store when the label
     better, make it your                                                                says Shiraz or Syrah.  De-
     choice for the dark                                                                 canter magazine says “Wher-
     meat of the Thanks-                                                                 ever winemakers are curious
     giving turkey. Syrah/                                                               and enterprising…Syrah is
     Shiraz tastes best                                                                  being planted”.  What is simi-
     when served at room                                                                 lar is the need for some bottle
     temperature. Ah, but                                                                aging.  This is not a wine to
 34  whose room?  Let’s                                                                  be consumed young.
     just say that 15-20
     minutes in the re-                                                                  We will start with France,
     frigerator will be just                                                             its native home.  Syrah is
     about right, assuming                                                               the one and only red grape
     that you just pulled it                                                             allowed to be grown in the
     out of the cupboard.                                                                Northern Rhone. Occasion-
     I can guarantee that                                                                ally, it is blended with a little
     a summer room of 78                                                                 white Viognier. It is the grape
     degrees is too warm.                                                                of the famous Hermitage
                                                                                         ($100+) and the Cote Rotie.
     Syrah is all about                                                                  The trick is that the name of
     herbs and spice.  The                                                               the grape is not listed on the
     Society of Wine Edu-                                                                bottle!  You have to know
     cators study guide                                                                  the region so just look for
     describes it as “a Mc-                                                              Northern Rhone.  Do not be
     Cormick spice rack                                                                  confused by the Southern
     in a bottle”.  Look for                                                             Rhone; those red wines can
     aromas of smoke,                                                                    be a blend of many grapes,
     tar, toast, pepper,                                                                 the most prominent being
     raspberry, chocolate,                                                               Grenache.  Region names
     herbs, lavender,                                                                    to look for include Condrieu,
     spice, anise, black                                                                 Cornas, Saint-Joseph, Saint-
     olives, and rosemary.                                                               Peray and Chateau Grillet.  It
     See what they mean                                                                  is said that the mistral, the dry
     about a mélange!                                                                   north wind that blows through
                                                             the valley, the very one that drove Van Gough crazy (myth),
     The history of Syrah has been in question for some time.  But  keeps the grapes dry and sturdy.  These wines need aging
     just like the TV show, Cold Case, the origins of Syrah have   from five to ten, to even twenty years. Don’t even think about
     been proven with DNA studies. It is the result of a cross be-  drinking them young, the experience may turn you off Syrah
     tween two French vines: Dureza and Mondeuse Blanche.    forever!  Northern Rhone Syrahs don’t come cheap either.
     The vine crossed to Australia in 1832 and was renamed
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