Page 17 - Final Inspirational Women Issue
P. 17


               Master at Arms 2nd Class
                  ADDISON BREW

           Addison Brew, from Murfreesboro, Tenn., is currently
        assigned to Assault Craft Unit 5 at Camp Pendleton, Ca.
        as a Force Protection Specialist. She joined the U.S. Navy
        after high school. The events of September 11, 2001
        influenced her do something bigger in life and to serve
        her country. She wants the American public to know that
        there are strong female leaders in today’s military and
        their contributions every day are shaping the future of our
        military services and country. She is married to Marine Cpl.
        Matthew Brew and they have an 8 month old son named

                                                                 Electrician’s Mate 1st Class
                                                                 JESSICA BUCHANAN

                                                     Electrician’s Mate 1st Class Jessica Buchanan of Buna, Texas, has served ten
                                                  years in the U.S. Navy. She is currently assigned to the Independence variant
                                                  littoral combat ship USS Independence (LCS 2) in San Diego, California. EM1
                                                  Buchanan maintains the electrical power generation and distribution systems
                                                  onboard the ship and was recently selected as the ship’s Sailor of the Quarter.
                                                  Previously she completed an Individual Augmentee tour in detainee operations
                                                  as a corrections officer at Joint Task Force Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. EM1 Buchan-
                                                  an joined the Navy at the age of 26 to help pay for her education and earned
                                                  her Bachelor’s of Science degree in Business Administration in March 2017. She
                                                  remains in the Navy because of the many opportunities she has had to advance
                                                  and succeed. The Navy is a family affair for the Buchanans - her sister has served
                                                  as a U.S. Navy Gas Systems Mechanic for the past ten years.


                                                                            CATHERINE REPPERT

                                                                       Lt. Cmdr. Catherine Repport hails from Westport, Mass. and
                                                                    earned a commission into the United States Navy through the
                                                                    United States Naval Academy in 2002. Lt. Cmdr. Reppert is cur-
                                                                    rently serving as the Commanding Officer of USS Ardent (MCM
                                                                    12), a Mine Countermeasures ship consisting of an all-male
                                                                    crew, except her, totaling 92 Sailors and is homeported in San
                                                                    Diego, California. She’s been drawn to the ocean since a young
                                                                    age and the Navy, with its superior mariners and leadership
                                                                    opportunities, proved an ideal career. Through her service on
                                                                    four ships and three overseas deployments, she’s continually
                                                                    impressed by the professionalism, character, and work ethic
                                                                    of her shipmates. She challenges her crew and herself every
                                                                    day to excel and thoroughly loves her job. She is married to
                                                                    Matthew Garcia-Bragiel, who is also a naval officer on active
                                                                    duty serving on board USS John P Murtha (LPD 26) as the Op-
                                                                    erations Officer. They have a daughter, Charlotte, who recently
                                                                    turned two.

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