Page 20 - Final Inspirational Women Issue
P. 20

Inspirational Women

                        the Oakland A’s, I rethought my   part of the agency filling a void   this to Dave, he never doubted
                        response shortly after I hit send.   that few agencies even realize   that I could not only keep things
                        I asked a co-worker what he    exists in Sports Management.   going but that I would excel.”  She
                        thought of my email to Dave, and  In addition to the day-to-day of   did this and more.  She built their
                        from his response, Lonnie knew   contracts and operations, Lonnie   numbers of players and now has
                        she was in trouble.  “There was a   had a remarkable aptitude for   43 players both Major and Minor
                        good chance I was going to lose   handling the people part of the   leaguers on her roster.  Of this
                        my job, so I went into my bosses   business.  “When I came onboard  number 22 are Latin players who
                        office and started the conversa-  I started to notice things that I   have come to SMP due to their
                        tion by telling him how much I   felt I could do better than other   strong reputation of fair manage-
                        loved my job.  I was just about   people working for the agency.   ment and loyalty to their players.
                        to explain what happened when   It wasn’t about the business part   “I can’t utilize my experience of
                                                       of her business; it was about the   playing Major League baseball
                                                       people part. To most it is just the   when I am recruiting a player be-
                                                       business of baseball, to me, it was   cause obviously I have not played
                                                       the business of people.”  This ap-  the game, but I can get them in
                                                       proach quickly caused the agency  front of a multitude of people who
                                                       to grow even greater because   have.”  This fact has never been a
                                                       there was a new understanding   problem for Lonnie. “Many of the
                                                       of elements that were missing in   Latin players that came here from
                                                       this field of representation and   other countries are leaving their
                                                       Lonnie brought them to the fore-  families for the very first time.
                                                       front.  “Each one of my players   They sign a Player Contract and
                                                       and their family become part of   are often not even sure what they
                                                       my family.  In addition to every   have gotten themselves into.”
                                                       other aspect of the business, I   Lonnie is not like any other
                                                       guess I sort of add the motherly   Sports Agent, she often finds
                                                       touch. I am there for them to   herself in a motherly role, helping
                                                       talk to about everything, not just   players and their families navigate
                                                       the game.  I also represent a lot   their way through a system that
                                                       of Latin players that don’t even   isn’t easy for our young American
                                                       speak the language.  They are of-  men, let alone many who don’t
                                                       ten signed very young and are not  even speak the language. “When
                                                       necessarily trusting of our culture  players from another country
                                                       and methods, so I provide the   are signed by a Major League
                                                       much-needed level of trust they   team, they often believe that
                                                       require to feel confident moving   their next step will be wearing
                                                       forward in their careers.”     that team uniform on TV, living
                                                          Lonnie spent eight years    the glamorous life of the players
                        this same co-worker interrupted   building Sports Management   they have idolized while playing
                        our conversation and told me in   Partners when her husband   in their own countries.  Many of
                        private that Dave had responded.”   received the call up to become the  them don’t realize that they will
                        To Lonnie’s relief, he did so with a  General Manager of the Arizo-  begin their career on the minor
                        sense of humor, and shortly after   na Diamond Backs.  “While he   league level, often in small town
                        that, the two managed to find   questioned what was going to   locations spending long hours on
                        themselves in a relationship.  happen with the agency, for me   buses to other unknown towns to
                           Dave had started Sports Man-  there was no question as to what   play other minor league players.”
                        agement Partners a year before he  would happen.  I had been a   Lonnie never sugar coats the long
                        and Lonnie met, and his agency   partner for eight years, assumed   journey any of her players have
                        was thriving, representing some   a large percentage of responsibil-  ahead of them when they sign
                        of the biggest names in base-  ities already, and these were MY   their contract.  She is outspoken
                        ball.  Lonnie became an integral   kids.  My guys!  When I expressed  and honest that this is not going

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