Page 21 - Final Inspirational Women Issue
P. 21

Inspirational Women

        to be a piece of cake and there   “When one of my babies, Yoan   disrespectful. He said he did not
        is going to be a lot of sweat and   Lopez, a Cuban pitcher, and I   want to leave the family. I was
        often disappointment for them   first met we looked at each other   incredibly touched and proud. It
        along the way. “Doing this and   kind of cross-eyed. He seemed to   has now been two offseasons in a
        being upfront with my players is   not quite get me, and I couldn’t   row that he stayed with me at our
        why I believe they are so loyal to   really figure him out either. At   home for the entire offseason.  He
        me.”  Keep in mind that the sports  one point I felt, I don’t know if I   is also getting along much better
        agency business is not one that   like your attitude and I’m sure he   with his teammates, ‘his broth-
        involves players signing contracts   was saying the same thing about   ers.’”
        with their agents.  A player is free   me.  I’m sure he wondered, how   Lonnie is tough, and she has
        to move from agent to agent if   is this lady going to represent me   to be in a field dominated by
        they choose, so seeing the longev-  when we are not even communi-  men, but often it is tough love
        ity of the players who have signed   cating? But our relationship grew   that gets her players through
        with Lonnie is clear proof that she  so strong, two years later he asked  those rough times.  Disappoint-
        is doing it right and is, as such,   me to walk him down the aisle   ment is often a big part of life for
        constantly bombarded by referrals  at his wedding, having lost his   these young men who sometimes
        from her current players.”     mother to cancer as a teenager.”  put out stellar performances
           “If I had to pick something    This is only one of the many   and yet due to the “Business of
        that I am most proud of it would   stories Lonnie shares about her   Baseball” may be released or kept
        be that I have 22 Latin players,   Babies.  Although she is caring,   at the minor league level.  Having
        the majority of whom don’t     she is tough as well.  “When one   a manager like Lonnie can often
        speak English, and I don’t speak   of my players is not living up to   make the difference for these
        Spanish.  We communicate using   his potential I am the first to go   players.
        a translator app, or we communi-  out on the field and tell him that   When Lonnie’s husband Dave
        cate through another individual   he isn’t doing what he should to   Stewart left his position with
        who speaks Spanish.  We have sat   progress his career. One player   the Arizona Diamond Backs she
        at restaurants, or in the car and   and I had many challenges in   assumed he would come back
        have been texting back and forth,   the beginning.  He was a tough   on as a partner at Sports Man-
        so we could utilize the translator   cookie and even had some issues   agement Partners, but when he
        app on our phones.  We tell jokes,  with other players on the team.   realized how much improved and
        talk about what’s happening on   So, I had to be tough.  I basically   how much Lonnie had grown the
        the field and in their lives, and   told him if you don’t get your s**t  business he simply said, “This is
        what is going on in mine because   together I am not going to repre-  yours, you’ve got this.”
        we are family.”                sent you.  So it was the last game   Thanks to women like Lon-
           In an industry dominated by   of the season when they were able  nie, we are seeing that women
        male agents whose primary con-  to play on the big league field,   can accomplish whatever they set
        cern is often the bottom line and   and they let their families go out   out to accomplish.  Sometimes at
        finding the one player who may   on the field.  Of course, I went   great odds and with great strug-
        one day sign for a multi-million   out cause I’m his ‘mom.’  And I   gle, but for Lonnie, much of this
        dollar contract, it is clear that the   said to him; I’m proud of you,   came naturally to her, and it is
        emotions of the young men they   you had a great performance. I   easy to see that she loves her job
        sign may not be at the forefront   wish you nothing but success.    and all of the players that she calls
        of their concerns. This is not the   But I don’t like your attitude,   family. As Lonnie admits, “There
        case for Lonnie who is definitely   I’ve warned you, and now I can   is nothing else I would rather be
        a breath of fresh air in a tough   no longer represent you. Back   doing,”
        often cutthroat industry.      at the team hotel I was standing   Thank you, Lonnie, for show-
           The language difference does   in front with seven other guys   ing us what we can accomplish,
        at times present a challenge.   from the team, and he walked up   not in spite of being women, but
        Lonnie shared with me a story   to me and in front of everyone,   often because we are women.
        about one of her “babies,” the   with the help of one of the other   For More Information
        affectionate term she uses for   players translating, he said he was  Contact Sports Management
        the young men she represents.    sorry, and he never wanted to be   Partners at (858) 613-1192

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