Page 26 - Final Inspirational Women Issue
P. 26

Pearls of Wisdom

        the potential to help anyone with cog-
        nitive decline was an opportunity we
        believe every clinician should jump at!
        (Works best in those under 75 years
        old and in early stages.)

           What’s The Discovery and
          How Can Lifestyle Turn AD
           The key point is that a healthy
        brain maintains balance between 2
        critical factors: building new connec-
        tions (memories and learning,) and
        breaking down connections (forget-
        ting irrelevant details.) In Alzhei-          Dr. Mimi Guarneri                   Dr. Nancy Lonsdorf
        mer’s, the breaking down exceeds the
        building up. The result is important
        memories and functions are progres-       Nancy Lonsdorf, MD is a Johns Hopkins and Stanford- trained
        sively lost.                           physician who is trained in the Bredesen ReCode Protocol for Revers-
           How to restore balance? Establish   ing Cognitive Decline and helps patients restore memory and over-
        a healthy diet, good sleep, balanced   all health, naturally.  She practices Integrative Ayurveda and offers
        blood sugar, normal blood flow, exer-  the Healthy Brain Recode Success Program at Guarneri Integrative
        cise and less stress for your neurons   Health at the Pacific Pearl.  Call 858-459-6919 for details.
        to grow and thrive.  Ironically, these    Mimi Guarneri, MD is President of the Academy of Integrative
        are the same treatments we have used   Health and Medicine. Dr. Guarneri is board certified in Internal
        for years to reverse and treat coronary   Medicine, Cardiovascular Disease and Integrative Medicine. She is
        artery disease.                        the medical director and founder of Guarneri Integrative Health at
           Likewise, eliminate bad fats,       Pacific Pearl La Jolla.
        environmental chemicals, nutritional
        and hormone deficiencies, and excess      For more information on natural approaches to AD and cognitive
        stress that cause your neurons to      decline or to hear Dr. Bredesen speak, join us at the Academy of Inte-
        downsize and clog up with the memo-    grative Health and Medicine Conference, Sept 22-25, 2018 San Diego
        ry-destroying protein “A-beta."        California(

          How Can It Work for You?
           Step One is to find out your un-     Next, correct them with person-  with the first nine documented in a
        derlying vulnerabilities or potential   alized diet, lifestyle, supplements and   case series published in 2014.
        causes for cognitive decline through   other therapies as needed.  Shrunk-  You can learn more in his scien-
        thorough testing.  The commonest    en brain areas have actually grown   tifically thorough, yet highly readable
        ones define Bredesen’s 6 Subtypes of   back as a result of diet, targeted   bestselling book, The End of Alzhei-
        Alzheimer’s:  Types: 1. Inflammatory,   supplements and lifestyle, including   mer’s, which I highly recommend
        1.5. Insulin Resistant/Sugar-relat-  stress-reduction (Dr. Bredesen spe-  to anyone interested in optimizing
        ed, 2. Trophic (lack of nutrients or   cifically recommends Transcendental   memory and brain health for the long
        hormones,) 3. Toxic, 4. Vascular, and   Meditation for its neuroplasticity   run.
        5. Traumatic.  Many people will have   benefits.)                           Alzheimer’s Disease is now pre-
        challenges with more than one. For                                       ventable and even potentially revers-
        example, if you have coronary disease,   Where To Go From Here?          ible, and the control is in our hands.
        you most likely have the same risk      Dr. Bredesen and his colleagues   Learn your risk factors and correct
        factors for vascular dementia, but you   have successfully treated over 200   them now to enjoy a youthful mind
        may also have a hormone imbalance.  patients with cognitive decline to date,  for many years to come!

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