Page 27 - Final Inspirational Women Issue
P. 27


                                      A Critical Step for Women

                                                    By Deana Carter

           HERE ARE MANY               Also, time off from     benefits available to them,   Your financial advisor
        Treasons why when it       work may affect Social      including participating in   can help you calculate how
        comes to saving for retire-  Security benefits because   an employer-sponsored    much you are likely to need
        ment women may need to     those who are not working   retirement plan or funding   for your later years. Be sure
        save more than men. Does   do not earn credits that are   an IRA, to build the assets   to consider how you will
        gender really play a part in   used to determine retire-  needed for their later years.   pay for health care expenses
        your retirement planning?    ment benefits. Also, parents,  It's important not to un-  not covered by Medicare or
           A key goal of investing   children, and other loved   derestimate how much you   other medical insurance.
        for retirement is making   ones often have financial   may need or the importance  When considering sources
        sure you save enough to    needs, and both women and  of ongoing contributions to   of retirement income, log
        make your money last       men may provide help for    retirement accounts to build  on to or review
        throughout your lifetime.   family members, which may  assets over time. Although   your annual statement to
        On this score, women may   divert funds from retire-   there are no guarantees, the   estimate your retirement
        need to save more than     ment savings.               longer you stay invested, the  benefit from Social Security.
        men. The current life expec-                           more likely that your con-  If you find that your retire-
        tancy of a female at birth is   Estimating How Much    tributions may benefit from   ment assets are coming up
        roughly 81 years, compared        You'll Need          compounding when invest-   short, delaying retirement
        with 76 years for a male. 1    Of course, every wom-   ment gains are reinvested   or saving more while you
        Although five years may not  an's life is unique, and many  and potentially earn even   continue to work, may be
        appear significant, many   women capitalize on the     more over time.            helpful strategies.
        people in this age group
        incur expenses for health
        care and other items while
        living off of Social Security
        and personal assets.
           Keep in mind that life
        expectancy statistics are
        averages and many people
        live much longer. It is not
        unusual for an individual's
        retirement to last 20 or 30
        years or more. There is also
        the issue of the length of
        a person's career and how
        much time an individual
        has to build retirement as-
        sets. Many women take time
        off for caregiving respon-
        sibilities, and during these
        years they may not add to
        their retirement portfolio.

        Source/Disclaimer:  Source: Center
        for Disease Control, National Cen-
        ter for Health Statistics, 2014.
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