Page 31 - Final Inspirational Women Issue
P. 31


           laire Brynne Lewis is an     A Girl Prodigy
        Camazing young lady who
        graduated from Pathways
        Academy High School and                        By Kiriann Booth
        Palomar College at 13, the
        youngest graduate from Palo-  award were, at 9 years old she   a dance similar to tap. She
        mar ever. Along with being   wanted to learn faster so she   had decided to do this when
        a very intelligent girl, she is   talked to her parents about   she needed more activities
        very talented on the piano   home schooling. At the age   for PE., but soon found, the
        and 6 other instruments. Be-  of 10 she proceeded to join   dance was fun and that she
        sides piano, her favorite, she   Pathways Academy for home   really enjoyed it.
        also plays, violin, guitar, flute,   school students. There she   For the months she has
        clarinet, ukulele, and the   took Government, Econom-  been applying to colleges.
        cello. When I asked her who,   ics and English. Besides her   She has been invited to three
        or what, inspired her to start   classes at Pathways, she took   very prestigious colleges to
        playing piano? She said, “Lit-  classes in Calculus, advanced   audition and attempt to get
        tle Einsteins TV program.”   History, Geography, and Ge-  accepted. These colleges are
        When she was about 6 years   ology, at Palomar. One thing   US C, Curtis Institute of
        old. She started to play, “Für   that her first professor, An-  Music, in \Philadelphia, and
        Elise”, one of the songs from   nette Squires, noticed about   Boston Conservatory.
        an episode, of Little Einsteins   Claire was, her feet could not   The director of Pathways,   Photos courtesy of Claire
        on the piano by listening to   touch the floor while sitting   Carol McIntosh, helped   Brynne Lewis
        the song a little, pausing the   in class. The city council of   Claire and her Mom when
        program, and attempting to   San Marcos also gave her an   she first started home-school   two Orchestras, San Diego
        find the notes on the piano.   achievement award. Claire   toward the right direction   Civic Youth, and Palomar
        She continued to memorize   has received several awards   and helped them choose   College Symphony Orchestra.
        it by ear. Soon she found   performing in Musical com-  classes for Claire. Claire’s   She volunteers teaching in
        she could play the complete   petitions.               Mom said. “I could not have   San Marcos Youth Strings,
        song by ear, even though she   When we went to her     done this without Carol    serving as Vice President.
        couldn’t read music.                                                                 Claire, expressed to me
           In 2014, I met Claire                                                          that when she graduates from
        at school on my first day.                                                        college she would love to be-
        She was in my first class,                                                        come an Orchestral Conduc-
        and we were partners in an                                                        tor. She seemed very definite
        assignment for making a                                                           on this decision.
        marble track out of foam,                                                            For those young and
        dominoes, and marble. We                                                          upcoming musicians, the San
        soon became good friends                                                          Marcos Youth Strings, is a
        and enjoyed talking about a                                                       great program. Claire would
        great many things. Claire is                                                      like to promote this program,
        very modest and did not hint                                                      that meets at the Gateway
        to the fact she was smarter                                                       Church on Fridays from 4-6.
        then most, in anyway. I was                                                       This is a great opportunity
        quite surprised to find out                                                       for children that want to start
        she graduated so fast. I didn’t                                                   playing a string instrument or
        find out until a few months                                                       one who wants to be able to
        ago that she had graduated in  house for the interview she   holding my hand and guiding  practice and learn more in an
        May of 2017.               gladly played piano for us. It   us in the right direction with   orchestra setting.
           Claire has earned many   was very lovely, my grandma,   regards to furthering Claire’s   As you see, Claire is
        awards in her life so far. She   who was with me said,” I got   education.” Claire, has been   truly a Child Prodigy, besides
        received a County of San   goose pumps just listening   certified as a tutor, and at the   being a really good friend.
        Diego California Proclama-  to her and watching how    moment while waiting to be   It is not everyday that one
        tion award, given to her by   passionate she was when she   accepted to a college, has a   meets someone as special in
        Bill Horn, the supervisor   played.” Other than piano   job tutoring students at Palo-  so many ways as Claire, and
        of San Diego. Some of the   she informed me her favor-  mar in Calculus 1. Besides   also lucky enough to call her
        things proclaimed in the   ite past time was Clogging,   Tutoring, she also plays in   my friend, too!

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